Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The individualist interest is served by the assumption that people see the constraints as binding them and act accordingly .
2 nicking them and capture there pay slips and you get it , you get a little brass plaque on it saying captured by so and so and the date , cos obviously they get fined for loosing it and all that sort of stuff
3 generally speaking the nation had good ears , they knew what was what and they listened quite well , hear you deaf ones he 's describing them and look forth to see you blind once verse twenty it was a case of seeing many things , but you did not cheat watching and Daniel , verse twenty five , look it says there a little phrase near , half way through that he took no note , the nation took no note of what was happening at that time , but we know what happened to them , many of them , thousands , a million of them lost their lives did n't they ?
4 He disagrees with the version of events contained in this last sentence by ignoring it and saying smilingly , ‘ You no pay here , baby .
5 What happened was that a big boardroom job that was quietly occupying us and running nicely to schedule suddenly went critical when our friendly architect informed us that the Secretary of State was opening the building four weeks earlier than scheduled and it would be very nice to have the furniture there .
6 The model may now be facing you and flying forwards through the air yet be stationary , or flying backwards , relative to the ground .
7 She twisted free of the hands holding her and stepped away .
8 The hero of Simon Gray 's comedy Otherwise Engaged ( 1975 ) , in similar fashion , only wants to be left alone to play his new recording of Wagner 's Parsifal , but he is successively interrupted by neighbour , brother and wife , who succeed in disturbing him and fail only to interest him .
9 Luke stopped trying before she did , barely touching her and becoming increasingly uncommunicative .
10 In a centralised education system , the setting up of machinery to undertake curriculum planning and development is no more than a means towards making possible the six processes I outlined at the beginning of this chapter and which in our ideal world should have happened logically at national level : laying a research base for change , deciding objectives , forming a strategy , developing materials , implementing them and evaluating both the process and the result — a clinical sequence which even the methodical Swedes did not perform to their satisfaction .
11 The octopus kills its prey , mainly small crabs , by biting them and injecting highly toxic saliva into the wound .
12 Jinny remembered seeing it and slipping past it because it looked complicated and she was tired .
13 One night I dreamt about it : about the dog going over to look at it , as it sometimes did , and instead of sniffing it and walking away , it tore open the anus and started to pull out the innards .
14 And we were all enjoying it and looking forward to going to see this big ships and whatnot .
15 So being just do as your told , did as I was told and up we went , onto this crane overhead and the job was running up and down th er picking the boxes up , whatever the chappies want , the , and lowering them and doing exactly what they wanted .
16 These positions have it in common that they express a view about how company law should regulate corporate power in the public interest : by introducing social welfare considerations as explicit decision-making criteria , or by excluding them and relying instead on the benign effects of the invisible hand , guided where necessary by external legal controls .
17 The bag just did n't go with silk : it was too big and bulky , no doubt stuffed full with notepads and pencils , Mitch observed , his photographer 's eye altering her and becoming more exasperated with the hat every second .
18 ‘ Gemma is fighting it and doing really well . ’
19 He saw me watching him and leaned forward to touch the girl on the shoulder , and then came towards me .
20 Yes they woke up and they 're carving them and cutting away , but could n't say anything .
21 You can perforate a Triplane until it looks like old net curtains , and the pilot will end up killing you and flying home . ’
22 Pamela saw her mother trailing her and returned home without seeing her boyfriend .
23 The route continues for a short way beside the beck , crossing it and turning right to head first slightly north-east and then north-west until a small beck is crossed , and then another by the Cortina Bridge — named after a Ford Cortina crashed here in one of the Lombard RAC rallies .
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