Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] over [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Protests are being staged by farmers and environmentalists in India and the UK to highlight the threat to native plants by Western companies seeking patents over traditional plant extracts .
2 But his successor , Corazon Aquino , has ruled that out , citing concerns over national security .
3 If you are fixing battens over existing rendering make sure they are long enough to give adequate penetration into the brickwork or blockwork beneath .
4 However , he could also be a tiresome prankster and thus often more of a hindrance than a help about the house — Briggs tells of practical jokes such as ‘ blowing ashes over shelled oats spread out to dry ’ ( from The Fairies in Tradition and Literature ) .
5 In fact it provided the industry with more control over its environment by making conflicts over environmental damage an administrative problem whose outcome could be predicted by corporate executives .
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