Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [coord] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Difficult decisions will need to be made to ensure that commissioned research is sufficiently responsive to the needs of purchasing authorities but at the same time of sufficient scientific rigour to attract good quality academic researchers .
2 On a parish visit the pastor would sometimes take him to the bedside of a dying man or woman and Ramsey would sit long by the bed , saying almost nothing , but holding hands and at the end giving a blessing .
3 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
4 She failed , too , to get jobs in boarding kennels and at a vets ' practice .
5 To Henry it may well have seemed a sensible way of killing two birds with one stone — chastising rebels and at the same time providing his warlike second son with useful experience .
6 You you 're chance will come in due course sir when we 're making comments but at the moment it 's just
7 These timetabled games take place at Goldenacre — the School 's playing fields and at the Pleasance Gym .
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