Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 When he does so , I hope that he will ensure that he legislates to ensure that Labour can not operate delaying tactics as they have in Wolverhampton .
2 Certainly , we deplore the practice of aborting fetuses because they have gastroschisis or isolated tracheo-oesophageal fistulla or oesophageal atresia .
3 We approach much of by paths made for staling purposes and we have easy walking surfaces because it is grazed .
4 Human rights organisations remain wary of publishing figures because they have been widely used as propaganda .
5 Despite the many benefits available from CIT membership to serious transport professionals , a number have ceased paying subscriptions and we have applied a strict policy of erasing them from our records of members .
6 Where inherently slow processes are involved , LIFESPAN automatically sets them up as background activities and employs a mail system for informing users when they have been completed .
7 They have been reported as spending a great deal of time analysing conversations that they have held with the various Ketamine entities .
8 In addition it is freezing cold , and the mares are not wearing rugs because they have foals at foot .
9 There is a perception amongst informed people in the community that there may well be a shortage of long stay beds in Leicestershire and you do need to bear in mind that the National Health Service is increasingly going down the road of not keeping people in hospitals longer than they have to because hospitals are perceived as being very , a very expensive way of providing beds and you have to take that into account because that 's a fairly clear national policy and you are likely to see an acceleration in that process from what I read in the national press .
10 Sharing fags when you have n't got much else to share is a way of asserting solidarity .
11 However , before that , we have to deal with an aspect of buying roses that we have scarcely mentioned yet : ‘ container grown ’ plants at garden centres .
12 This last point is a familiar one , which fits in well with the remarks on observing patterns that I have discussed above .
13 Veblen ( 1922 , p. 237 ) , in his ‘ theory of the leisure class ’ , has drawn attention to the fact that it would be difficult to argue that we are ‘ naturally ’ inhibited against committing crimes because they have adverse consequences for others , since conventional and respected activities ( such as private entrepreneurship ) often manifest identical qualities :
14 The measurements can be done by counting frames if you have frame-advance .
15 They need practice at making notes when they have found information ( see Box 18 ) .
16 We can use this approach through postponing decisions , meetings and finding solutions until we have all the necessary information and all the right people present .
17 Women often have to prove to housing officials that they have not made themselves ‘ intentionally ’ homeless .
18 As long as er I keep finding places that I have n't , you know thi this is leaving it to the la I have n't left it till the last minute , but all las la you know I keep looking at it and thinking well
19 It 's still in the experimental stage , but they are accepting guinea-pigs if they have this particular strain of lymphoma and , therefore , nothing to lose .
20 Many of our stores collect the cardboard from packing cases and we have started to collect the plastic wrappings in which many products are delivered .
21 It is a course for people with experience of life who enjoy exploring ideas and who have confidence in their ability to form and to express opinions .
22 The only other way in or out of this upper level was a door for loading bales and what have you .
23 ‘ A note has been left at the flat where they lived , advising friends that they have gone to London for a vacation .
24 XYZ Foods are well-known for their pioneering work in the field of slimming foods and they have been researching this pack for the last year .
25 The Mechanics Institute does not have a policy of barring women but none have applied to join .
26 As with all denizens of Fairyland , the glastyn may be perverse as well as benign by turn , and reports have been noted of those who have run amok , raping women and destroying crops if they have been slighted in any way .
27 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
28 Once you feel more able to control symptoms we can set about confronting situations that you have been avoiding , such as meeting people and going to work .
29 The ‘ belief ’ spreads , through persuasion , communal pressures , and most usefully by indoctrinating children before they have a chance to think for themselves .
30 This announcement comes only months after retirement from Midland Embalming Services and I have already heard stories of breakfast in bed and other luxuries associated with retirement !
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