Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Jane was able to sketch nearly one hundred ships , as well as paying off his mess bill by painting decorative panels in his host ship 's wardroom .
2 — SCOTLAND 'S world flyweight title contender Pat Clinton was yesterday accused of employing underhand tactics by his Mexican opponent .
3 Daniel Thwaites could find himself in HSE trouble for allowing unsafe practices in his competition — the gentleman should have been told to wear a hairnet .
4 In the autumn of 1959 he wrote to Eliot from Italy , where he was staying with his daughter , expressing grave doubts about his worth as a poet .
5 During his honeymoon , Yeats was addressing heart-broken verses to his lost love — who by this time was an amalgam of Maud and her daughter .
6 At 16 Gallacher signed for Tannochside Athletic , a Lanarkshire juvenile team and barely a year later he married a catholic girl , Annie McIlvaney , causing untold disputes within his family .
7 Mitra attacked a secret visit by Ramos to Switzerland in mid-February , hinting that Ramos had been seeking foreign funds for his campaign .
8 No politician , whether a great magnate intent on retaining a traditional dominance in his region , a minister of the crown seeking favourable returns for his administration , or a landowner merely wishing to make a good figure in his own county , could manage without access to patronage with which to reward his friends ' loyalty by helping them in their times of need .
9 She saw a man picking little hooks from his flesh , each barb raising a blood-bead .
10 The government takes the view that President Clinton was simply addressing domestic critics of his foreign policy and that his complaints should n't set the alarm bells ringing .
11 To this day it is the address to which Diana has her private mail directed and has done ever since she suspected Fergie was visiting the Buckingham Palace post room in order to tell Prince Charles who was writing confidential letters to his wife .
12 In the church of the new literary criticism , he has also prayed and mocked , publishing critical books of his own but satirising the gurus of metafictional inquiry in his novels : Nice Work 's laconic demolition of Lacan has survived to reach the BBC .
13 The dog leapt up at him , twisting in mid-air , its jaws snapping shut inches from his calves .
14 Similarly , the National Front writer was addressing fellow members of his party .
15 This observation led him to his third important realization , namely , that the tension that he had seen in his neck was causing other tensions throughout his whole structure .
16 Why does not the Prime Minister address those issues of life and death instead of parading false claims about his Government ?
17 Now police are investigating possible links between his killing and the murder last week of caretaker Andrew Collier in London .
18 Looking at the proportional evidence from the Niemecz organs , one might just as well say that Beethoven 's Symphony no.1 Menuetto had been ‘ Haydnized ’ and one could say so the more properly chronologically , since Haydn was the earlier of the two composers to start describing quick tempos for his minuets .
19 His hands left her hair , moved swiftly down her spine , cupping her rear suddenly and pressing her tighter against his hard body , a harsh groan coming from the back of his throat as one strong hand swept suddenly to her breast , and as he touched and stroked her there she gave a fierce moan of excitement , whispering incoherent words against his mouth in blind , overpowering , dazed response .
20 MICHAEL AKEHURST was amongthe leading international lawyers of his generation .
21 The exemption covers the situation where the trustee or personal representative , who , through owing fiduciary obligations to his beneficiary , is required to deal in certain securities at a time when he is in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
22 This led to nothing more than Morrissey 's former headmaster making a radio appearance wherein he spoke briefly in defence of the education system before recalling proud remembrances of his former pupil .
23 But , though Oscarless , he is delighting American audiences with his boorish manner and fractured English in Peter Weir 's ‘ Green Card ’ .
24 But you 'll never see the Profitboss sipping late-night liqueurs with his secretary .
25 He summoned all his will power , forcing numbed fingers in his upstretched arm to flash again the morse ‘ R ’ .
26 It made him difficult to fix , especially for eyes awash with brandy , the merest motion of his head breaking subtle waves against his bones , their spume draining back into his skin trailing colours Estabrook had never seen in flesh before .
27 Privately , however , he was still sending conflicting signals to his supporters , some of whom got the impression that he had not decided whether to act .
28 I think Dysart is feeding commercial secrets to his old skipper , Charlie Mallender , and that Clare found out about it .
29 Franks made his preliminary examination of the body , dictating brief comments to his secretary .
30 He dropped his watermelon slice and raised bulging white eyes from his issue of Spook Stories magazine .
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