Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [adj] [noun] just " in BNC.

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1 They sailed overhead and swayed with the slightly erratic action of the cableway holding them , bumping into each other now and again and so producing the clinking noise just audible over the din .
2 Wimpey is launching the cash-raising exercise just three months after reporting the worst loss in its 100-year history , a £112.4m deficit in 1992 .
3 Wimpey is launching the cash-raising exercise just three months after reporting the worst loss in its 100-year history , a £112.4m deficit in 1992 .
4 As passed by a Stockton housing estate we saw a young boy who finished climbing a steep embankment just in time to throw stones at us .
5 As we passed a Stockton housing estate we saw a young boy who finished climbing a steep embankment just in time to throw stones at us .
6 When she had politely declined , despite their pressure , Dominic had smiled at her , a smile of dazzling sweetness , and reached out his hand to hold the side of her face , gently caressing the smooth skin just above her jaw with his thumb .
7 However most practitioners of literary stylistics , including Halliday himself on a later occasion ( Halliday 1971 ) , would insist on supplementing the comparative approach just described with some kind of functional analysis — analysis , that is , that asks what the language of a text does , how it contributes to the meaning and effect of the whole .
8 Fuelling this propaganda are free supplies of birth control pills , capsules and IUDs are given out to Timorese who are used to paying a small fortune just to consult a doctor .
9 CHEMOXY , the Middlesbrough-based chemicals company , is on the verge of clinching a long-term contract just days after it revealed a £4m investment in the business .
10 When it returns to ‘ normal ’ ( probably because short rates rise , which they now show signs of doing ) , Mr Giordano reckons that the Treasury will be paying an overall rate just 75–100 basis points above bill rates .
11 But all that would be to ignore its symbolic potency in defying a despotic age just lived through and narrowly survived .
12 The report compounded the problems facing the Socialist government just nine days before a general election .
13 But Her Majesty 's Inspectorate was heavily criticised , in turn , for conducting the intensive exercise just before the 193-pupil school was due to close , last June .
14 But Her Majesty 's Inspectorate was heavily criticised , in turn , for conducting the intensive exercise just before the 193-pupil school was due to close , last June .
15 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
16 He then hit upon the idea of holding an extended putter just under , and sometimes just touching , his chin .
17 Transport of anions out of the cell on the uptake carrier was demonstrated directly using an anion-sensitive electrode just outside the cell .
18 Much of this went to Hull for export , but trains for Lancashire had to go up the formidable Worsborough bank avoiding Barnsley , and joining the main line just south of Penistone .
19 The oldest of the three porters running the glass-fronted lodge just inside the main entrance was putting a middle-aged woman with a blue hat into a wheel-chair .
20 She had a sudden dark suspicion that he was doing this deliberately — cold-bloodedly engineering a convenient marriage just to do her out of custody .
21 I mean , I look at John Lee Hooker , he 's still smiling , he 's having a good time just doing it .
22 Pupils at Kensington infants ' school are having a marvellous time just mucking about .
23 Poor thing , she must be having a rotten time just now .
24 , my first years had two children , had no breast problems and I 'm having a horrendous time just now and I 'm on H R T , I 'm on my third different kind !
25 It could be having a good night 's sleep the night before , playing tennis or taking a sauna , losing weight or having a stiff drink just before you begin .
26 er Red er Leicester , I got a lump last and there was no taste at all and on the second day , we not having a proper fridge just er , a a fridge you know keeping it in store
27 For each match , a new active word edge is created carrying the phonemic symbol just matched , and a pointer to the node in the tree which follows that phoneme branch , indicating the set of phonemes which are expected to follow such a beginning .
28 There were three instances of the wife finding an off-farm job just ‘ to keep herself busy ’ .
29 Document Supply — As libraries move from collecting likely materials just in case to supplying the right document just in time , there will be an increasing need for fast electronic transfer of facsimiles of documents including text and illustrations , in colour if appropriate .
30 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
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