Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do you need to give some free line because the chub are sucking the bait in from a considerable distance ?
2 I think Bryony likes erm Smarties because she 's always sucking the juice out of beans .
3 They had the modern aluminium racks on wheels for foddering the sheep instead of the traditional , very much more silent version made from wood .
4 The posture is set by angling the body forward from the waist and flexing the knees to keep the weight even between toes and heels .
5 Prevention is better than cure , and the sensible thing to do is to physically shield the mike , either by angling the shot out of the wind , or by getting an assistant to shelter it bodily .
6 They were tight to the elbows then flared out , falling nearly to her knees , allowing the embroidery inside to be seen .
7 Some contracts , however , have cost-escalation clauses allowing the passing on of any increased costs .
8 This involves allowing the children home on trial , a practice that has increased sharply since 1948 , and taking whatever steps are necessary to rehabilitate the family so that full parental responsibility can be resumed .
9 The Freshwater Fisheries ( Scotland ) Act , allowing the setting up of a Protection Order for catchment areas ; and several of these new orders are now in force , including one covering the Garry and Tummel Catchment Area .
10 Deprived of attention , the dog should then quieten down quite quickly , and ultimately behaviour of this kind can be overcome if you then return home without allowing the dog out of the vehicle on this occasion .
11 A television camera-man was circling the car slowly with a hand-held camera .
12 In this he described how , by splitting a parallelepiped of calcite spar along its shorter diagonal , and then cementing the halves together with Canada balsam ( having a refractive index intermediate between those of the doubly refracting calcite spar ) , he was able to separate the two emergent beams so widely that they could be used independently .
13 The head then told the parents about travel , uniform , swimming ( once a week all the year round ) , the PTA , illnesses , notes for absence or non-swimming and , above all , contacting the school whenever in doubt .
14 The two directors have done their best , speeding the tale along on the wings of Bessie Smith and mouth-organ blues .
15 Having seen and made many changes in their time , the Kings retired five years ago — though only as far as next door , and the sign above the shop still says King , maintaining the links back to 1870 and before .
16 In the ant 's case , construction costs are further reduced by building the nest out of the living bodies of workers .
17 Lower the bar slowly to the top of the chest , touching the chest lightly with the bar and pressing until the arms are straight .
18 I just like to start off by saying and just reminding the council well in particular Mr in light of what he said that he does n't understand what Mr is on about , well he 's never understood the issue of the merger in Highfields .
19 " The conclusion … marks the end , the rounding off , of an argument and its value lies both in reminding the reader succinctly of what has been written and in endeavouring to create , with the reader , a favourable impression and a disposition to treat favourably . "
20 It is interesting to see a professional historian reminding the reader explicitly of the relevance of his facts , analysis and discussion .
21 ‘ We will still be whipping the ball in from the wings as we have always done and we will continue with the style which brought us two trophies last season . ’
22 A strong wind tore through the trees whipping the branches fiercely to one side while the rain swept across their faces .
23 there were quite a bit Lyness , because I remember once the Hoy Head coming down from Stromness with a lot of party makers aboard it and cameras out and afore they knew where they were the admiralty men was there whipping the films out of the cameras .
24 It is this degree of concentration I want you to work towards , using the haiku both as a point of departure and as a discipline you frequently return to .
25 If teachers are to merit the title of ‘ professional ’ , using the word not in the narrow context outlined above but in the sense of somebody who in their employment performs a task well , teachers will need to regain the confidence of the public .
26 A typical section began with a floridly imaginative scamper through C-Jam Blues , using the tune only as an occasional reference .
27 Could the person who was dealing with Stavanger 's post be using the address also for himself — or herself ?
28 Further figures issued in October 1989 show fewer rail passengers and bulk freight using the Tunnel immediately after 1993 , but more shuttle traffic .
29 Without another word she turned and made her way upstairs , using the crutch only as an added safety precaution .
30 In the 1930s , training at Highbury consisted mainly of laps round the field , with assistant trainer Billy Milne or Tom Whittaker himself looking on — and using the occasion away from the treatment room to have a quiet smoke .
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