Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This layout was a physical expression of the administrative structure that Hammond was organizing for the office particularly , as Mary Anderson points out , the special status awarded to the Under Secretaries and their political departments , by placing them on the same level as the Secretary of State .
2 However I notice that Wyre Borough Council workmen are now fencing off the area immediately around the swings etc .
3 We 've got a few er right conversations with Barry as well , slagging off the management so er we 're gon na use that for
4 His lips were hard , fierce , they explored and probed as he held her head with both his hands , his fingers stroking through the curls distractedly , almost wildly .
5 If he was insatiable he made her so too , and light was filtering through the shutters before , utterly exhausted , she fell asleep in his arms .
6 If the rocks in your tank suffer from all-smothering algae I have found they can be kept clear by scrubbing off the algae then putting them in the oven or under the grill until they are thoroughly dry .
7 After singing through the song once or twice I then say .
8 Sir Thopas is the tale told by the self-mocking comedian and parodist , producing as the Host so richly puts it , " " drasty rymyng " " that " " is nat worth a toord " " ( VII : 930 ) .
9 Stepping through the children as gently as he could , he went to the cupboard under the stairs and , locating the meter , put a shilling in .
10 ‘ But tearing about the countryside late at night with a man not her husband is par for the course , eh ? ’
11 But the disc is probably worth purchasing for the Weill alone , a work which Klemperer commissioned from the composer after attending and enjoying performances of the Dreigroschenoper in Berlin in 1929 .
12 By virtue of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , s.18 , at the moment of driving off the petrol no longer belonged to the garage .
13 Darlington have chosen largely unknown Queensland pace bowler Scott Muller as their professional partly because of his qualifications as a coach but if former Lancashire player , Jack Simmons ' opinion proves correct they could be challenging for the title yet again .
14 The Bees hopes of qualifying for the semi-final now rest on Bari 's visit to Griffin Park next Wednesday .
15 The thin light was casting curious shadows everywhere now , and Lugh blinked and rubbed his eyes , because just for a moment it had seemed that figures were appearing through the mists ahead of him .
16 A high-energy gamma ray plunging into the atmosphere will create a shower of electron-positron pairs , which initially will be traveling through the atmosphere faster than light can .
17 Cut out your embryo bud as before , but this time squaring off the base rather than the top of the shield .
18 Slicing through the building almost from front to rear is the planar glass roof , supported by a simple bowstring steel truss frame .
19 ‘ The letter is personally addressed to Gerry Adams so it is up to him to reply to it , but the party 's position is that it highlights the MPs ' total lack of understanding about the situation here and our position in it , ’ he said .
20 I happened to be walking past the kitchen yesterday when I heard you calling to someone named William . ’
21 He was walking towards the door just as Rose came bustling out .
22 Until recently , police raiding illegal factories added to the problem by disposing of the chemicals directly into streams , a practise which has now ceased .
23 decommissioning our radioactive facilities and disposing of the waste cost-effectively , while meeting stringent safety and environmental requirements , as well as managing a small number of other government nuclear programmes which remain ;
24 More children were crowding into the junction ahead .
25 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
26 So what 's what 's happening with the chlorine then ?
27 Rumour had it that on a less poetic occasion the Emperor had visited the pavilion accompanied only by Mme Walewska , his current favourite , embarking in a small rowing boat and returning with the lady only after a considerable lapse of time .
28 That first evening they went walking up the hill away from Marshall 's cottage , to a small plantation of aspen trees .
29 Walking to the shops instead of taking the car or bus , or walking up the stairs instead of using the lift are comparatively painless ways of working towards greater things .
30 Cleveland county councillor Peter Hayden , who represents Brotton , said : ‘ I have heard two women were walking under the bridge just minutes before .
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