Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Assembly was expanded from 195 to 250 seats , allowing for a larger allocation of seats to independent candidates .
2 The band of fluctuation either side of the new parities was widened from 1 per cent to 2.25 per cent , thus allowing for a larger margin of exchange rate fluctuation before official intervention was required .
3 Among attractions of a combined survey is the economy of mobilising for a larger survey with fewer turns for the ship .
4 Most of the new people who 'd be coming over in the last couple of years a lot of them would n't be coming out to our concerts yet because they would probably be into a more younger scene like the Mary Blacks , maybe or the Christian Moore or somebody like that you would be catering for a younger audience and the the second third generation would be coming out to the First to the Foster and Allens and the Daniel O'Donnells and the Brendan Shines you know .
5 The TV companies that own ITN are also clamouring for a higher bid .
6 This means ministers are wrangling for a bigger share of the cake .
7 You did , so he 's come , he 's knocking that list off the total figure , with , because that list was higher , subsequently I 've managed to knock it down by about three or four percent anyway , erm , he 's , he 's knocking off a bigger sum than he should to produce a smaller welding price .
8 Entering and leaving conversation , bidding for a longer turn , refusing without appearing rude , changing the topic , are all notoriously difficult for foreign learners : tasks for which the language classroom , where turns are patiently organized and controlled by the teacher , has hardly prepared them .
9 The NCVO is pressing for a simpler SORP and for the timetable for compliance to be extended to mid 1994 to allow charities more time to prepare .
10 I do not see any relevant distinction between the provision of a structural survey at the request of a borrower applying for a further advance and the provision of a house buyers ' report in the same circumstances .
11 I have a Stern Cabin eleven feet by twelve principally for the comfort of Mrs. G. and one adjoining of a smaller size .
12 Withdrawal was necessary because the American war in Vietnam appeared to the General to be on the verge of widening into a larger conflict .
13 Herodotus was able to establish some kind of time-sequence for the two centuries before his time , but he was a more diffuse writer than Thucydides , who was concerned with many events occurring in a shorter time interval .
14 ( A full review will be appearing in a later edition of EW + WW .
15 This example has all the characteristics of a sentence occurring within a larger piece of text , and illustrates quite clearly the need for a ‘ previous discourse ’ co-ordinate , as well as the more obvious ‘ time ’ and ‘ place ’ co-ordinates .
16 In many ways , he believes his situation to be a microcosm of what is happening on a larger scale in the industry .
17 Here , newcomers do compete with the locals , contributing to a higher demand for rural housing which , together with the restricted supply , has led to extensive changes in the nature of the rural housing market .
18 Besides contributing to a deeper comprehension of the function of to , this study has also led to a fuller understanding of the role of the category of person in the infinitive .
19 Behind that lie the less easily quantifiable facts of the effects of war service in mingling classes and breaking attitudes , the powerful if vague sense that sacrifice and austerity required a matching improvement in the quality of life in a free society , and the experience of life under siege as contributing to a stronger sense of community and fraternity .
20 At times he advised reverting to a lower potency if the higher potency aggravated ; at other times he advised giving a few doses of a partially similar remedy if any aggravation should occur ; he also suggested administering the remedy in liquid form , giving a few succussions before repeating ( the plus system ) .
21 Try climbing to a higher altitude .
22 In the 1980s local decentralization has been occurring at a slower pace than in the previous decade and in some cases appears to have gone into reverse .
23 Cultivation extends to about 600m , ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island .
24 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
25 The cry by 1901 was for educated men ‘ of good social standing ’ to become ministers : ‘ Such men … are more needed now than before Board Schools provided hearers whose improved education demands preaching of a higher order than formerly . ’
26 If charged by a powerful enemy they can turn and flee away , hopefully regrouping for a later return .
27 Some were more active than any predecessor against some particular organism , and some had special merits in use , such as working when given by mouth , or acting for a longer period than usual .
28 Parish Clerk Weekley , that man of power and aerial photographs , is pushing for a further diversion to include free eye-testing for the old , and has written to local doctors advising them of this .
29 Looking for a better bet
30 UBS has been getting an average of one inquiry a day from small banks looking for a bigger uncle .
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