Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But , once again , let me be on the positive side because I mean there 's no doubt about it there are firms which are doing extremely well in spite of recession at the moment , and they are training people as well , but they 're not training in numbers we really need when we go across the patch as a whole .
2 If you attended the lunchtime fringe meeting on shops you probably had even more food for thought .
3 Reptiles become progressively more efficient , just waiting for improvements which only increasing size facilitates , eventually anticipating full homeothermy .
4 All this talk of 2 points per game and championships is a bit premature , we 'll end up sounding like scumites who always think they 'll win everything .
5 She visited fourteen countries , going to places which often no one else would visit .
6 In the political sphere Soviet military activism had soured the détente relationship with the West by infringing on areas which hitherto had not experienced Soviet military involvement .
7 Bread is an excellent big bream bait on most waters , for even when anglers are continually baiting with maggots they usually throw groundbait in too .
8 Her body was alive , throbbing with pulses she never knew she had , and as she jerked her face away from his she knew he had once again defeated her , outclassed her , and she knew without a doubt that he was right : if there was ever a real fight between her and Damian Flint , he would take supremacy , she would be overpowered by the fierce excitement burning in her now , and he would walk away with victory on a scale she did not dare imagine .
9 Their modus operandi is to cajole their victims into parting with valuables which subsequently they hope to resell for much higher prices .
10 The Ring of Eight was originally founded to dance at Christchurch Folk Festival but as well as dancing at festivals we also travel to craft fairs around the South of England and perform locally for the National Trust and other charities .
11 ‘ Unbelievable ! ’ cried a media unused to hearing from singers who habitually hate to see the sun go down or sleep in hollow logs .
12 I 'd just like to make two or three points first of all the exchange factor which Frank touched upon when , when talking about profits you probably all totally familiar but I have forgotten quite how much the dollar has strengthened recently beginning of the year it was nearly two dollars and the result of that is that for the erm first half as a whole the impact of er exchange translation was adverse for our profits compared with last year to the tune of about one and a half million pounds .
13 In talking of groups it soon became abundantly clear that the young lady to whom the remarks were addressed was mystified .
14 He was sitting among friends who promptly set up a chorus of ‘ hear , hear 's .
15 When we see such intelligence and feeling among creatures which outwardly resemble ourselves — chimpanzees and other primates — we accept and can recognize it far more readily than we do among more alien creatures such as whales and dolphins .
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