Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [num] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 The material consisting of 16739 patients who were given the drug for duodenal ulcer , gastric ulcer , gastritis/duodenitis or coexisting duodenal and gastric ulcer , and had neither a history of gastric surgery , nor a history of cancer , has been described previously .
2 Families are still per-ceived as consisting of one breadwinner who only exceptionally is a woman , and one dependent spouse whose primary responsibilities lie in the home .
3 POLICE are searching for two youths who escaped from Castle Huntly young offenders institution in Perthshire last night .
4 Police are still searching for two boys who were pictured on closed-circuit security screens taking James from the Strand .
5 At the time she was lodging with two ladies who had lost their brother in the First World War .
6 But according to one retailer who thinks that the mail-order operation needs a lot of work to modernise and improve it : ‘ It represents cannon rather than rifle shot — it is old fashioned and they do not target customers properly . ’
7 " You learnt a lot " , according to one woman who had worked on the Encyclopaedia Britannica , which was her most vivid memory , as well it might be .
8 She was a good deal teased by children playing in the parks , according to one park-keeper who was sorry for her and tried to help her , and once had her bags snatched by a gang of youths .
9 Bury St Edmunds , according to three people who live there , is an odd place .
10 Police discovered stolen credit cards in his bedroom belonging to four women who had been mugged in the Acton area of West London , offences which all took place while he was on bail .
11 ‘ I would have thought so too , but last night I spent a whole dinner sitting between two girls who talked about nothing but horses .
12 The Officer was talking to two gunners who appeared to be Polish judging by their accents .
13 I well remember during one hot dry summer talking to one grower who was complaining about his poor crop of parsnips .
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