Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mazzin was out of there in a flash , laughing with his friends who seemed eager to know what it was like in the box .
2 By leaning her back against it and pedalling with her feet she could move it forwards inches at a time .
3 On returning from his travels he married Susanna , daughter of a London mercer , Thomas Edwards , with a portion of £10,000 .
4 This prospect was seen as likely to destabilize the Alliance , because Arab members might well have had difficulty in explaining to their constituencies what amounted to an alliance with Israel against a fellow Arab state , Iraq .
5 Many businesses print or refer to their standard terms of trading on their invoices which are normally sent out after the contract has been performed — for instance by delivery of goods .
6 Both men were sceptical about ghosts and the supernatural and their jaunt in suitably foggy conditions was aimed at returning to their friends who believed the stories and good-humouredly disprove them .
7 Moore prices undoubtedly suffered from over-heating and have fallen back but looking through our records there is still a consistency again the best works getting the best prices .
8 Ulverston searching for whatever ores he could find .
9 Wriggling in our seats we gazed dumbly at the teacher , as dogs will whose owner is eating a slice of cake ( Miss !
10 He heard two men arguing , but with water lapping in his ears he could n't make out the words .
11 Instead of frowning while listening to your explanations he had nodded and smiled .
12 By passing on his skills he has given other youngsters the incentive to go on to achieve greater things .
13 Hence we do not need to argue that the judiciary are in any sense part of a gigantic conspiracy ; they merely act according to their beliefs which inevitably reflect their class interests .
14 Anderson had done it before and so , according to my colleagues it was n't newsworthy .
15 According to his researches there are at least three volumes comprising 908 drawings still undiscovered in obscure Spanish collections .
16 It was a musical farce with a classic swap of identity plot with people confessing to their partners their infidelities in the mistaken belief they were confiding in someone else , a daft Midsummer Musical comedy with Gerry Mulgrew as a manic , fast-talking Marlowesque ( Philip Marlowesque I mean ) magical dog who had Puckish powers to cause confusion in his neck of the woods — a hideous fictional Glasgow ghetto housing scheme called Low Cassil .
17 And he asked us to er at that time in May they were looking at what criteria they were going to judge products to award a fair-trade mark to them .
18 No , no no no we 're just looking at what criteria we 're measuring
19 I think she is a size eight looking at her feet they look bigger than my fives .
20 While the booksellers were looking at his books he would quietly nick a few of theirs to sell to another shop .
21 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
22 Looking at my arms I could see that the mosquitoes appeared to have had a field day .
23 And when things were going against his men he seemed to be suffering mental agonies .
24 In deciding in which areas you will actively seek to expand your personal injury practice , you need to be aware of three things ; your capacity to offer a service , the local market for personal injury services and the competition to offer those services .
25 After the last captive had been secured , the cordon remained in place to bag any stragglers , waiting until their colleagues who had been doing the sweep through the woods arrived to join up with them again .
26 Erm right er Tom was going on his holidays our Union bloke about a fortnight nor three weeks something like that after the strike situation .
27 Ronny 's not gon na go anyway nattering to his mates I 've got ta get a I 've got ta go and get a to go with it two and ten eights fours in that seven , four seven and four seven , four , six six , five , ten , ace jack queen , king , how about that ?
28 Sudden changes in behaviour patterns of prey species also produce seasonal changes in predation ; for example when young moles are dispersing from their nests they travel on the surface rather than beneath the ground , and they are then heavily predated .
29 It is useful to begin by considering in what circumstances there would be no significant difference between legacy and trust .
30 I think she well and the house was certainly getting on her nerves but whether it was because she was ill it was getting on her nerves I do n't know .
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