Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun] then " in BNC.

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1 If the rocks in your tank suffer from all-smothering algae I have found they can be kept clear by scrubbing off the algae then putting them in the oven or under the grill until they are thoroughly dry .
2 So what 's what 's happening with the chlorine then ?
3 We just were n't used to driving in the country then , it seemed like a long way from
4 But if the essence of the spiritual life is dying to the self then the religious man must sacrifice .
5 So cos apparently , while he was on the phone she came knocking at the door then
6 So again can you see you have other people to consider if you 've partners , but that 's one of the difficulties of having a partner , but then again think , if you do n't have a partner , that 's worse cos you 've nobody to communicate with , nobody to shout at , nobody to organize or organize you , er nobody ready made to go out with , you 've got it all to do yourself because your number one requirement when you 're left on your own is to get the company and the activity , whereas if you , if you are er living with a person then at least a certain amount of that is ready to hand .
7 ‘ So I plan to do a couple of hours ’ writing in the morning then go off and have a swim in the afternoon .
8 If a terrorist group is operating in the area then the sooner they are stopped the better . ’
9 According to the rules then extant , a national strike could only be called by the NUM if it had the support of at least 55 per cent of the members voting in a secret ballot : the union prided itself on its democracy in this context .
10 cos you 're saving on the coal then we 're you know
11 If England were looking to the future then some of the players should have been selected years ago .
12 But of course , th , I 'd been living at The Haven then , next to the butcher 's shop .
13 Clinton stood back and nodded , looking at the microchip then at Nicholson .
14 I should have stopped looking at the pictures then , when past and present had clashed in my mind and made no meaning , but I went on .
15 Are you going for a buy then ?
16 Or if they were going for a day then I might go down and
17 Turning up the Drive then brings in the overdrive effect and is certainly flexible — none of this ″either on or off″ syndrome .
18 so you wan na , if you want the banks , I 'm going to the bank then but to pay the insurance
19 Examples are circling your arms around from your shoulders ; toe-touching ; standing upright then bending your body sideways to the left then right ; lying on the floor then raising each leg as high in the air as possible ( keeping the leg straight ) .
20 They grabbed my arms and swung me over to a mat lying at the side then undid the strap around my ankles .
21 From the planet 's surface you might think there is an eastward force , but there is n't , and if you were not rotating with the planet then this would be obvious .
22 He heard the train whistle , the engine was slowing for a signal then he heard it pick up speed again .
23 And w how much were you getting as an electrician then ?
24 He was moving towards the house then , but suddenly he checked .
25 My wife Carolyn was like that and does all the language teaching in the sandschool then every so often announces a newly learned skill .
26 We were belonging to the territorials then .
27 But you 've decided why you , you 're just rising to the bait then are n't you , if these arguments are between you , and you 're coming out with all this , it just makes you look stupid because you 're , you 're into , are n't you ?
28 Hovering by the connecting door , she waited until she could hear Travis speaking on the telephone then quickly let herself out again .
29 If Claudine had a friend staying at the château then Alain was showing that he also had a willing friend .
30 ‘ She is not staying at the house then ? ’
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