Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 If they are listened to at all , it will probably be in the bath , on a car stereo , or in some other environment where the music is competing for the listener 's attention .
2 At 45 Mainwaring Road the upper maisonette was still advertising itself for sale — no less than six boards competing for the passerby 's attention .
3 Unfortunately this can not be done in the UK House of Commons , and the cameraman has to identify the Member who has been called , often in the midst of a throng of Members competing for the Speaker 's eye , and then to add the computerized caption .
4 Brannen , now working in Stoke and competing for the city 's athletics club , agreed to represent his new home county in the pole vault and high jump before team manager Bill McGuirk contacted him with an invitation to be the NorthEast 's 110 metres hurdler .
5 The salesperson 's voice may be competing for the buyers ' attention with the flashing lights and noise of the equipment .
6 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
7 Imagine this scenario : you 've just locked yourself out , and are frantically leafing through a neighbour 's Yellow Pages to find a locksmith .
8 For a modest annual fee , you 'll be given access to a wealth of local inspiration , and while you 're leafing through the trust 's reserves handbook , planning your ‘ research visits ’ for the coming seasons , you 'll be helping to ensure the survival of that unique ‘ library ’ of wild places .
9 A portrait of a fat and overpowering Sir John is still at the house today and , even allowing for the artist 's flattery of his patron , this is a face you would not trust .
10 Allowing for the hour 's difference between French time and GMT , this meant that Thomas 's aircraft was shot down 30 minutes after the main attack .
11 Bonn is a handsome town but , far as it is from the historic centres of German power , it seems an odd choice for a capital , even allowing for the Allies ' post-war policy of de-centralisation .
12 There were even reports of material assistance being given to protesters by local officials , such as transport to demonstrations and financing for the protesters ' co-ordinating committees .
13 And they stabbed at him and caused his whole body to tremble as if in shame because , in a way , he knew she was right : his inadequacy to face his future was there for even himself to see ; he had considered volunteering in order to avoid the responsibility of making the choice either of going to University to read for a degree in English Literature or of just plumping for a teacher 's training college course .
14 Passengers like the informal atmosphere , the excellent visibility and the rapid loading and unloading through the aircraft 's five doors .
15 Close , superbly fit , fought with savage intensity shrugging off the champion 's best efforts from first to last bell .
16 Resting after a life 's hard work . ’
17 Without England skipper Will Carling , resting after the Barbarians ' match against Australia , scrum-half Rob Glenister led the way with a hat-trick of tries and full-back Stuart Thresher added six conversions .
18 Pacepa says that Ceauşescu was afraid of poisoning after the CIA 's attempt to murder Fidel Castro by impregnating his clothes with potions to make his beard fall out , and so he ordered the Securitate department which provided all his personal needs free of charge to arrange for the manufacture of a new set of clothes for every day of his life .
19 Well there was men walking through the village erm to stop them for a rest .
20 It must be a total team effort with every single employee contributing as the company 's eyes , ears and mouthpiece in the marketplace .
21 Mr Geoffrey Robertson , QC , appearing for the film 's director and producer , Nigel Wingrove and John Stephenson , argued that the board 's grounds for banning the video rested upon very insecure foundations .
22 If nothing else , the Christmas editions of NME , Sounds , and Melody Maker are a barometer of hip opinion , although not so revealing as the readers ' polls which follow a couple of months later .
23 ALAIN Prost captured his sixth consecutive pole position of the Formula One season as he led qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix today .
24 ‘ The scene does not seem right for a 1987 style crash , but the more cautious will be dusting off the chartist 's recommendations to see which shares can still be sold . ’
25 Ishbel McGillivray — ‘ There are 74 ways of spelling the name ’ — whose intriguing signature ( below ) enters my scrapbook , is dusting off the clan 's tartan picnic rugs .
26 DEC is rumoured to be pressing for a Unix SVR4 personality on top of OSF/1 : remember it already has SVR4 for its telecomms stuff .
27 A number of board members are pressing for the directors ' new suites , now being readied at the top of a spanking new building on Washington 's H Street , to be exempted from the Bank-wide policy of no smoking that begins on July 1st .
28 In USAC and F5000 , Mario was driving for the Vel 's Parnelli Jones team .
29 Held , dismissing the appeals , that , prior to the enactment of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 , at common law a breach of the duty of care did not give rise to a cause of action in negligence until the plaintiff suffered an injury ; that , although a foetus did not enjoy an independent legal personality , by the time that the plaintiffs were born in 1967 the common law recognised that a child born with a deformity because of a negligent act occurring during the mother 's pregnancy had a cause of action ; and that , therefore , the plaintiffs had a cause of action against the defendant health authorities for any negligent act prior to their birth which caused them to be born with deformities ( post , pp. 654H , 656D–F , 660E — 661D ) .
30 In fact , assuming that the time elapsing between a subject 's decision to respond and the actual pressing of the button was about 75 milliseconds , subjects on average identified the target after having heard only the first 200 milliseconds of it .
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