Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] to [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 On July 21 the six groups formally agreed on a continued ceasefire and on maintaining opposition to forces of former President Siyad Barre in the south , and on respect for " coexistence and national unity " .
2 The Cubans have thrown the US off balance by , in the wake of the Libya-Lockerbie crisis , demanding extradition to Cuba of two men accused of blowing up a Cuban airliner over Barbados in 1976 .
4 In recent well-publicised cases , SSDs have found themselves paying compensation to victims of crimes committed by young people in their care .
5 Certainly , it is impossible to understand the form of the relationship between land and state agencies without paying attention to issues of influence .
6 Adams ( 1979 ) presents a review and experimental study of the subject , and concludes that despite the theoretical problems , there is practical value in teaching rhythm to learners of English .
7 most MA 's in Applied Linguistics , for example , are based on teaching EFL ; of even more direct relevance are MA 's in TESOL ( Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ) or TEFL such as the one run by the Centre for Applied Language Studies at the University of Reading .
8 On 30th September 1990 the group acquired Model Layout Ltd for £2,530,000 paid by cash , giving rise to goodwill of £330,000 .
9 Not infrequently , however , respondents said ‘ yes ’ to both questions or gave answers to question 2 which clearly contradicted their answer to question 1 , giving rise to problems of interpretation .
10 Their spring offensive in Negros Occidental province — " Operation Thunderbolt " — cleared the NPA from an area which they had long regarded as their own , but with heavy civilian casualties giving rise to criticism of their action from the Catholic Church and human rights groups .
11 The changes were greeted with dismay by extreme right-wingers , giving rise to fears of a right-wing backlash in response to de Klerk 's attempts at reform .
12 To advocate a policy of anything less than unlimited release of all information as soon as the investigator has discovered it represents heresy to the media , giving rise to accusations of cover-up and officials being excessively secretive , while the legal profession are liable to take on a more aggressive attitude by suggesting incompetence and serving subpoenae requiring the compulsory production of evidence in court .
13 Under many circumstances this would be looked upon with some suspicion — giving rise to accusations of severe oligopoly or even near monopoly .
14 In the absence of anything so spectacular , the most impressive parts of the speech were those which declared how Germany had successfully surmounted the most severe test in the previous winter , and those indicating the exploitation of the material resources of the occupied territories and giving rise to hopes of improved foodstuff provisioning at home .
15 The third and fourth centuries , however , also saw the waning of the Roman Empire , when the protection it offered to the population of border provinces began to weaken , giving rise to waves of ‘ barbarian ’ invasions from the east .
16 Housed on their own , and heavily-fed , they produced a lot of waste , giving rise to swamps of infusoria .
17 He has to avoid doing damage to parts of the body where there is no muscle .
18 In addition , this was at a time when Coenwulf , king of the Mercians , was also giving protection to opponents of Eardwulf .
19 The promoters are also marketing imaginative packages which sometimes include books of vouchers giving entrance to places of historical or geographical interest , discounted theatre tickets , unlimited travel on the bus or underground , tee shirts and other promotional give-aways as well as hotel accommodation and meals .
20 Indeed , it is this last advantage which is most useful in giving guidance to performers of works other than these three , since if particular tempos can be found to be frequently associated with particular verbal instructions , these may acquire more precise meanings for other works , at least for those by the same composer ( see table 2 ) .
21 To the crowd who assembled , the Provo Sergeant announced that anyone giving credit to members of the regiment which had just arrived did so at their own risk .
22 In two successive years , I have pointed out that , although we take serious action on giving access to Members of Parliament , we take little action on , and treat with scant seriousness , the question of access to this place for disabled people .
23 My Lords , is the Minister that nearly half of all surgical units are cutting back on operations a third are giving priority to patients of G P fund holders and more than half of the N H S Trust er er have a facing a steep rise in emergency admissions of the G Ps that as they fight to get beds for their patients .
24 A lanky cleric oozing good intentions and bad faith then launched into an address that was squirmingly anxious to avoid giving offence to persons of any or no belief while still suggesting that , who knows , there might after all be , you know , something out there .
25 For example , there have already been reports of hospitals giving preference to patients of fundholding general practitioners .
26 The language of kinship and the behaviours which the use of such language provokes are social devices for giving expression to networks of relationship .
27 One bizarre thing was that the defence seemed obsessed in treating Beeny to back-passes of increasing difficulty .
28 In areas where armed secessionist groups are active , women face rape and torture to extract information about their relatives and to deter them from giving shelter to members of armed opposition groups .
29 So the clarity and vibrancy bestowed by the immanence of the Life Force during a Sat yuga declines , giving way to ages of progressively lower consciousness , until we reach the Kal yuga , where we find ourselves today .
30 Once Wordsworth could believe that the sound of angels ' wings comforted childhood sleep but now , thanks to Dr Freud , the belief is that childhood imagination is an extended video nasty , with unacknowledged lusts and cravings giving way to fantasies of violence and the visitation of mutants .
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