Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ah , well , if it comes to that , ’ Merrill smiled , trying to dispel an atmosphere of gathering intimacy that seemed to be waiting in the wings , ‘ I 've never imagined you actually sharpening chisels and tramping about in sawdust . ’
2 THE convicted Watergate figure Charles Colson , once known as ‘ the toughest of the tough ’ in the Nixon White House , won a million-dollar prize yesterday for bringing religion and hope to prisons .
3 If her smile was n't quite as enchanting as usual , her vivacity a little bit forced , it went quite unnoticed by the happy , laughing group that returned to the house .
4 After all , if ‘ the system ’ really was bent upon the form of totalizing control that according to Foucault psychoanalysis , for example , enables , it is worth recalling that psychoanalysis has never been adopted by the state as such and that its activities remain confined to a few very limited districts in a handful of prosperous cities round the world .
5 It is organising the service , delivering high-quality care and using manpower and finance to the best possible effect .
6 They were causing distress and amounted to a nuisance .
7 But the definitive change came on I August 1917 , when the Ministry of Shipping , which had been established by Lloyd George when he became Prime Minister in December 1916 , invited both the union and the Federation to confer with government representatives on the supply of seamen , wage difficulties and on other problems which were causing waste and delay to shipping .
8 The early or lower stages that he has identified are first , a stage in which children 's thinking is rooted in obedience to adults , fear of punishment and acceptance of authority ; then a stage of an essentially self-interested acceptance , for the sake of reciprocity , of a principle of fairness between peers ; and then a further stage of seeking approval and desiring to be well thought of by one 's community or group .
9 There is a great deal of potential here for criminalising conduct that amounts to little more than arguing with a policeman , which it should be one of the aims of public order law to prevent .
10 If respectability was undermined after the Second World War by married women refusing dependence and returning to waged work while also having children , it is being undermined again by the new wave of dole-queue mothers who find a measure of independence in motherhood .
11 1 identify , in the course of the annual audit effort , specific local opportunities to improve value for money by reference to other steps that have already been taken successfully in other authorities facing similar problems ; 2 promote good management practice by documenting achievements and training auditors to spot potential improvements , and publishing the results of special reports ; 3 encourage — even promote — action , though ( auditors ’ ) reports to officers and members , management letters to the authority and ( if necessary ) reports in the public interest ; 4 monitor implementation performance during annual audits , drawing attention as required to any shortfall ; 5 co-ordinate the efforts of related organizations .
12 Muccio handed Rhee an American note containing advice on handling inflation and referred to the unhappy precedent of China :
13 This distinction is absolutely vital because it uncovers and deals with the first major misconception of doubt — the idea that in doubting a believer is betraying faith and surrendering to unbelief .
14 In return , Lynwood will be the UK distributor for Cail Systems ' range of colour stations as well as providing maintenance and support to UK users .
15 The news item was on the front page : the British Government , which had been sending aid and supplies to Poland to assist her fight against the Russian Soviet , had changed its policy .
16 She cared a lot and she did things to help , practical things like buying Blazer and writing to MPs and others about this animal transport business . ’
17 The other part of the work is based on the experience , particularly of councils for voluntary service and other bodies like that , who at a local level are providing advice and support to voluntary groups .
18 Imtiaz Shaheen , had flown to Bardera to evacuate UN and other relief personnel , who had been providing food and care to approximately 200,000 famine victims .
19 Erosion on the main section facing east and lengthening to the south resulted in the pattern of south-west trending ridges preserved between the lighthouse and Stonyditch Point .
20 Most of those who have studied the twentieth-century constitution have ceased to see it as a living , moving thing that has to be studied historically , that has to be studied in relation to interests and political forces , and that has to be understood within the context of larger developments within society and economy .
21 There can be no greater cause of friction than a fund raising event losing money and having to be rescued by hard earned funds from other sources .
22 It 's , I , recur here to something I said in the broadcast I did earlier in this series , that a British national characteristic which distinguishes us very much from every Continental country , is our erm phobia about committing money and means to the state to spend for our common good .
23 Science education was envisaged , as David Layton tells us , by some early nineteenth century radicals like Richard Carlile as undermining dogma and leading to social emancipation .
24 I am conscious that to question publicly the established methods of English study is to lay oneself open to the charge of giving aid and comfort to the philistines and utilitarians who want to remake higher education according to their own ideals , if that is the word for them .
25 Ever since the failure of the revolt of 1173–4 Louis had stopped giving aid and comfort to those who were discontented with Angevin rule .
26 The supremacy of the Prime Minister is further enhanced by the authority to obtain ( or threaten to obtain ) a dissolution of parliament , the possibility of rebel Members being disowned and replaced by their constituency parties , the feelings of loyalty to one 's party and the fear of giving aid and comfort to the opposition parties .
27 What percentage of their time would they spend actually on doing research as opposed to teaching ?
28 Now it is approaching completion and return to steam and every effort is being made to ensure that his locomotive is operating in steam at the works Open Day on Sunday , September 27 .
29 When people think of giving help or support to those in trouble they nearly always imagine that this help will need to be of an intense and emotional nature .
30 But here is Mr Byrne denouncing conspiratorial ways , calling for open government , denouncing trade-union paymasters and in every way giving help and succour to the tabloid Conservative press .
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