Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The neutrons came from fusion reactions between particles that had been accelerated to very high energies by magnetic fields the scientists were using to contain the very hot ionised gases that were supposed to support fusion .
2 My report on this tour concluded with the words : ‘ I shall be grateful for any suggestions as to how this Department may co-operate in helping to meet the desperately urgent situation that is about to develop in the Delta villages . ’
3 The number seven knows that any rocky run would have boss King itching to ditch the highly adventurous two winger formation and he knows which winger would go .
4 Lacking a clear career structure , and appearing to offer the somewhat unattractive prospect of long hours and low pay , retail was hardly a first choice career option for most young people .
5 Western oil company 's are already bidding to exploit the newly drained marshes .
6 Those wanting to spot the more unusual wild flower would appreciate the Autumn Gentian which like the Chiltern Gentian has been successsfully cultivated here .
7 This word , together with ‘ in me ’ , appear in every quatrain serving to establish the very personal relationship of the two concerned , evoking an ambience of intimacy which so rightly suits the theme of old age and approaching death .
8 The project is now seeking to identify the most helpful elements within each type of therapy , and studying differences between individuals in their responses to each .
9 At present ulcer recurrence rate , postoperative complication rate , and cancer risk are the major factors determining the choice of operation and current opinion is tending to favour the highly selective vagotomy .
10 But it is making life even more difficult for those seeking to weather the already troubled economic conditions . ’
11 A BELGRADE-BASED guerrilla group captured a strategic town in the breakaway Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina yesterday in another victory for Serbs seeking to partition the newly independent state .
12 The negative side of all this was ben Eliezer 's polemics against straight-faced , over-serious rabbinism ; against those whose understanding of God 's nature was austere and unfatherly ; those who , while seeking to elevate the Most High , merely put him out of touch with his own children ; debarred them from his welcoming presence by a system or learning that became ‘ frivolous ’ in its intensity : not that its perpetrators could be frivolous : black was their colour , even as severity was their posture — as becomes the frozen-in-soul .
13 They have a fit Dean Richards at No 8 and a forthright Rory Underwood on the left wing , who will be seeking to complete the most illustrious of careers in fine style .
14 If he gave up now it would be like walking a hundred miles and then refusing to take the very last single step that would complete the journey .
15 Nevertheless , most general practitioners remain concerned about the lack of detail in the assessment and discharge documents — and are waiting to see the more detailed information that is promised before April .
16 There is no justification in attempting to emphasise the superficially attractive at the expense of those things that form the core of our work .
17 Walsingham and Knighton also attempted to blame Wyclif and the Lollards for propagating revolt , but this must be seen only as scaremongering by the established order in the Church , attempting to tar the socially conservative academic heretic with the brush of revolution .
18 He looked like a man who was going to win the most important game of his life .
19 But it 's reassuring to hear the usually humble and pathetic Kitchens sing their own praises so .
20 This time round we 're going to cover the potentially fraught matter of cabling .
21 The increase coincided with the escalation of pro-democracy protests and with political reform , and there were reports that border guards were no longer shooting on sight people caught attempting to cross the heavily fortified frontier .
22 But right now , I 'm going to do the most important thing that there is for me to do .
23 Three criteria have been chosen , attempting to measure the most important attributes of company performance over the year .
24 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
25 There are different kinds and the differences are crucial , helping to mark the otherwise indistinguishable overlaps in historical actuality , and the crucial differences made by historical factors .
26 At present , anyone wishing to consult the immensely rich Irish newspaper sources must , necessarily , undertake a tedious , time-consuming and costly search through individual issues .
27 Set against these deficiencies is the fact that psychiatry — if only by dint of the accumulated experience that comes from having to observe the more unusual among us — has developed a ‘ language of symptoms ’ that can prove useful in throwing the features of that deviance into high relief .
28 Coming home to the lesbian in me , my joys and fears were of a different nature from those posed by continually having to straddle the mutually hostile worlds of lesbianism and heterosexuality .
29 Both China and India were signatories , but only on condition that they received substantial assistance from the West ( both financial and technological ) to ensure that they were not penalized economically for having to use the more expensive alternatives to CFCs .
30 Indeed , once a psychic has become established it seems that nothing — not the most detailed confession , not the most damning exposure — can dent the confidence of believers-And , not content with continuing to believe the evidently fraudulent , they do their very best to draw the exposers into the net .
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