Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [conj] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Deep in her inner mind , therefore , Kirsty believed that something terrible was going to happen and that her health would fail .
2 You begin to enjoy the way people can say ‘ The National Health Service is safe in our hands ’ or ‘ Nobody deplores apartheid more than we do ’ or even ‘ We do not have a shoot-to-kill policy ’ and you know that another hospital is going to close and that there will be another stitch-up with Pretoria and that another shooting is going to be quietly forgotten .
3 The Dorset TEC said that it was struggling to manage but that it might manage ’ with the provisos that the average length of stay on the scheme remains one year ’ .
4 And then suddenly , just as Artemis felt Buttons was beginning to tire and that she was regaining control , as they topped a hill and began the run down the opposite side , a hedge loomed up in front of her , divided by a solid looking five-bar gate which was firmly closed .
5 In retrospect , of course , it is clear that his creative powers were beginning to wane and that his real work had been done .
6 Both the American and British governments are cloaking these new operations in a shroud of secrecy though it is unlikely any politician has the slightest idea what the two agencies are planning to do or that they even care if laws are broken as they have been in the past .
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