Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] i [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Women of all ages were shouting and I clearly saw a handbag swung overarm .
2 The great bells of the abbey were booming and I idly wondered what would have happened to my life if Jack Hogg and I had not been taken .
3 ‘ I still love motor racing and I still want to win .
4 I am sorry I have been so long in replying but I only got your letter two days ago .
5 I was bleeding but I just tried to hide it because it was a terribly busy time . ’
6 I 'm frank and candid by nature and so perhaps not surprisingly my career was blocked , former friends learned to cross the street when they saw me coming and I quickly became a non-person ; a communist speciality .
7 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
8 In those days , horses were still used on many farms for ploughing and I soon found myself staggering red-faced up a furrow , furiously gripping the wooden handles , astonished at the power of the mighty beasts plodding sombrely ahead .
9 I have never had much stomach for fighting and I certainly did not relish the prospect of having my head knocked off for a few cigarettes !
10 You 're talking and Paul 's talking and I actually did something with it , I actually turned it into a song .
11 I have n't had much chance to go shopping but I always make sure I get to two places — one called Garage and another called Hyper Hyper .
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