Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun prp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It goes every day and I can assure you that your cousin who is helping Germany to victory with her work will receive them very quickly . ’
2 For it was certain , Leith considered , that with the evidence Naylor Massingham had of seeing Travis in bed at her flat , and again seeing her with Travis in that hotel dining-room , he was going to want more from Travis than any declaration of , ‘ Leith is n't my girlfriend , so do n't sack her ’ .
3 I have many happy memories of eating Frankfurters with lashings of mustard in Cologne .
4 There is speculation that Grand Metropolitan , challenging McDonalds for supremacy of the fast food market , could pay up to £16m for the Allied branches .
5 It is worthwhile noting that Liverpool have spent a colossal amount rebuilding Anfield in addition to their outlay on linguistically-challenged scandinavian defenders .
6 Baldwin continued to work after his bankruptcy , rebuilding Hafod in Cardiganshire for Thomas Johnes in 1807 and designing the town hall in Devizes , Wiltshire ( 1806–8 ) .
7 On Dec. 4 , a commission of the UN General Assembly adopted a US-sponsored resolution condemning Cuba for breaches of fundamental human rights , following on from a condemnation of the US blockade on the island [ see p. 39184 ] .
8 ‘ But when Gazza said the word beginning with F while he was representing England on TV before the Norway international , nothing was done .
9 Keeping Campese at bay in a full-blooded charge for the line .
10 Once in the drawing room the party seemed to divide , Ianthe talking to Edwin Pettigrew about dogs , Mark rather nobly taking on Daisy , and Sophia and Penelope plying Rupert with questions about himself , his life , and his work , probing to find out without actually asking whether he had a mother , wife , fiancee , or ‘ friend ’ in the background .
11 One apparent reason for the delay was the Bush adminstration 's fear that to conclude a free-trade pact in mid-1992 as originally envisaged would be an electoral liability in the US presidential contest , opening Bush to attacks from protectionists that he was encouraging US companies to relocate to Mexico in search of cheap labour while unemployment continued to rise at home .
12 We were half expecting someone to arrive to investigate the deaths anyway , and we 'd been keeping Fedorov under observation for some time .
13 Iranian officials rejected a report by the UN Committee on Social and Humanitarian Issues adopted on Dec. 4 together with a resolution condemning Iran for abuse of human rights .
14 The prospect of Turkish involvement against Armenia in support of Azerbaijan , pitting Turkey against Russia in the conflict , prompted C.-in-C. of CIS forces Yevgeny Shaposhnikov to warn on May 20 that the crisis " could lead to World War Three " .
15 In 1769 Middlesex and London petitioners , concerned with seating Wilkes as member for Middlesex , mounted a general assault , couched in terms of the public interest , against the policies of the king s government .
16 The Bank of England could help the market develop further by purchasing SCP as part of its daily money market activities , rather than just eligible bills .
17 Keeping Quistgaard in position until then would help this strategy .
18 ‘ An indication of this is Bill Gates courting Washington with claims of NT 's Posix-compliance .
19 Oh dear Ian Botham 's dream of helping England to victory in his last world cup campaign took thrilling shape in Perth .
20 Mr Carmichael was in contemplative mood yesterday after the news that betting shops would be allowed to remain open until 10pm during the summer months , bringing Scotland into line with England and Wales .
21 ‘ She 's working , ’ Luke returned dismissively , and it was true , she realised , following his glance and seeing Cavell in conversation with a television reporter .
22 However , the theme of unifying Germany by means of unifying Europe is at least two hundred years old .
23 Landsbergis , meeting Gorbachev in Moscow at the latter 's request on June 26 , had been told that a moratorium would signal a return by Lithuania to its pre-March 11 status , and Landsbergis claimed that this meant that negotiations would formally be between the Soviet Union and one of its constituent republics .
24 He went over to the bed , lifted up the skirts and the separate bodice and draped them over his arm , pushing Meredith in front of the ornate Venetian gilt mirror complete with cherubs and vine leaves that occupied a good twenty feet of wall space .
25 In accepting Orlov 's suggestion and transferring Kiselev to Paris , Alexander damaged the prospects of reform to a much greater extent than he had by replacing Bibikov with Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
26 A new Constitution was adopted on Oct. 12 defining Montenegro as part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .
27 Darren started going to a special school , but in ‘ 84 my drinking did start getting out of hand and I was pushing Darren from pillar to post .
28 You feel they 'll remain forever ; with their scrubbed , slyly-charming young men in white shirts , bow ties and waistcoats , serving Guinness on trays to wrought-iron tables on timber floors .
29 The three of them had come back down the tunnel to the entrance , with the man pushing Nona in front of him as a hostage .
30 ‘ I 'm meeting Daphne for lunch in D. H. Evans . ’
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