Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Resting only for a second
2 Banks are competing fiercely for a share of the slower-growing market .
3 The young Robert Zimmerman had changed his name to Bob Dylan and had been wailing away for a couple of years or so , and Nicholson was among the first of his fans who listened to and studied the words of his anti-establishment anthems , ‘ The Times , They Are A-Changin ’ and his ‘ Mr Tambourine Man ’ which was a taunting , haunting song with a very hard edge that white middle-class youth took to be an ode to a dope dealer , which Dylan denied .
4 It was more than she had bargained for , and she now returned to the Madonna with a much bigger bunch of flowers praying fervently for an end to her fertility .
5 Again Kjell-Arne went outside , this time checking everywhere for a dog off its chain or a stray .
6 ‘ We are pressing hard for a meeting between BAe 's finance director and our lead investor as we are aware that time is slipping by , ’ said Mr Hooke .
7 Living only for a couple of microseconds on average , the muon can not go from atom to atom catalysing fusion and liberating energy indefinitely ; the dream of the ages is n't so easily fulfilled .
8 Pamela and he had been living together for a while and , until recently , Jimmy had been close to a happiness previously denied him ; both as lover and as surrogate father .
9 Larry and Tina have been living together for a year .
10 I went downstairs to the phone in my dressing-gown , pausing only for a second outside Toby 's door to listen for the typewriter , which was silent , and for another moment outside Mavis 's to leave her snuff-box .
11 certainly I think er we 'd be looking perhaps for a minimum of er er of one mile but I ca n't advise you on any level of agreement as to as to what any definition of it .
12 She had described the dress to them , haltingly , trying to make her account amusing , searching desperately for a tone that would make its existence plain and casual and innocent to them , but she had not quite attained it ; " My cousin Mavis , " she had said , laughing .
13 These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks .
14 Fierce criticism of the mathematical model ( the Rasch model ) on which the testing programme was founded 1979 ) encouraged the DES to begin looking elsewhere for a thermometer to take the temperature of the education system ; the benchmarks mentioned earlier may be the new thermometer ( Chapter 4 considers these criticisms of the APU ) .
15 However , if Microsoft can neither be bothered to put the basic information in its literature , nor inform the people handling the upgrade , should I be looking elsewhere for an alternative ?
16 You seem to be looking outside for a solution .
17 Not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination but it 's one if you 're looking desperately for an equalizer you 'd be hoping to score from .
18 I began trying to play ‘ God Save the King ’ , but after tapping away for an hour with one finger I had n't made much progress .
19 Often the local press are looking more for a photo opportunity than a story .
20 He stood listening attentively for a moment as the saxophone vied with the noise of the storm outside ; then he returned to his seat , picked up his champagne glass and drained it .
21 It is worth pausing here for a moment to reflect on the weight of traditional thinking that McDowell is seeking to shift :
22 This is partly to get higher wages , but it is really so because jobs are run-of-the-mill and they are looking simply for a change of venue , a new setting , and new faces .
23 Time was impossible to measure down in Chard — it always is when you 're a child — and I remember one day chatting to Uncle Cyril and feeling that I 'd been living there for an age .
24 He said that the PLO was pushing hard for a role for Arafat in Monday 's ceremony and that President Clinton believed that it was up to the PLO to choose its delegation .
25 Just pausing there for a moment , can you point out to Mr Inspector where that er building was to be developed , Mrs ?
26 Long journey : Nigel Lupton , 32 , of Raby Road in Hartlepool , is training hard for a 900-mile cycle ride from Land 's End to John O'Groat 's next month .
27 finished from and then had to start looking again for a job .
28 She kneaded her sagging breasts , searching anxiously for a lump ; all was well .
29 Obviously if you are flying over a bad area , with very few good sized fields , it is necessary to divert towards the best area within range and to start looking seriously for a field at several thousand feet .
30 So she would have to she was to given up her career in acting , she may have to take a view and give up singing totally for a while .
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