Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] he [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of people , including many members of the press , thought that Allan was going to win , were almost praying that he was going to win .
2 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
3 She glanced at him , noticing that he was staring back through the partly open door of the study .
4 And he gets a lot of publicity out of this by er , being photographed with Ted Heath , by announcing that he 's showing clemency to people who are convicted by the Iraqi courts , and that really people should n't hold too much against him .
5 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
6 It had been all very well announcing that he was going to make a privateering cruise , but the preparations for it and the difficulties in getting a crew together had been enormous .
7 His advisers hit on the idea of announcing that he was going on a cruise up the Hudson river where , away from prying eyes , he was propped up in a chair against the mast and anaesthetised .
8 Premadasa on Aug. 30 countered an attempt in Parliament to impeach him , by announcing that he was suspending Parliament until Sept. 24 .
9 After a second beer , Dr Reid prepared to leave , explaining that he was going to the dispensary .
10 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
11 undermine your opponent 's credibility by : questioning his experience suggesting that he is losing control negotiating to the point of his mental exhaustion
12 But in others Purcell takes over from the copyist in mid-movement — suggesting that he was composing directly into the theatre score .
13 ‘ I would imagine so , seeing that he 's going to be working here !
14 And the fact of having , and also of course of realising that he is having , the same experience as he , and the same sensation , as he 'd experienced many years before , this sensation releases a whole set of associated feelings .
15 Then , realising that he was looking down into her face while waiting for her to say something , she nodded her head as she said , ‘ A fine proposal this is , I must say . ’
16 He walked and walked , in fair and foul weather , pretending that he was training the young hounds to stay at heel ; and did so .
17 He started staying late in the office , until 10.00 pm. or later pretending that he was contacting clients .
18 The foal was called Bonfire and was splendidly nosy and confident and trod delicately all round him pretending that he was lying on the sweetest grass in the field .
19 One evening when they were coming back from the hunt , he pretended to be someone else and , all alone , jumped on Albuin pretending that he was going to steal by violence the horse Albuin was mounted on .
20 Like many of the gentry all over the country , he was convinced that the wound now bleeding Christendom might yet be healed , and the Church , the Body of Christ , made whole ; so when he gave sanctuary to young men on their way to train as priests in France , or secret agents from Spain or Ireland , he did so believing that he was acting in the best interests of his country , claiming that if anyone was a traitor it was the ardent puritans like Walsingham and Drake , who by their political manoeuvrings and piratical attacks on Spanish merchantmen were pushing the Queen remorselessly into a confrontation with King Philip of Spain .
21 On 28 August he persuaded his father to visit Cobham Park in Kent and there stabbed him to death , believing that he was killing the devil .
22 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
23 And because Jed could n't picture the wife who was supposed to have left him , because he had no idea what she looked like , he found himself believing that he was doing a pretty good job .
24 Jimmy Jessop , the glaciation expert , who is a skilled pickpocket , undoes the back buttons of Neil 's braces as they lean over a diagram together , until Neil loses his temper , and chases Jimmy round the office , shouting that he is going to bloody kill him .
25 Mohammed Mansha , of Croydon Road , Middlesbrough , said : ‘ He was shouting that he was going to kill .
26 " Now all this time , El-ahrairah was dancing and mating and boasting that he was going to Frith 's meeting to receive a great gift .
27 ‘ If a person with knowledge of the facts pays money , which he is not in law bound to pay , and in circumstances implying that he is paying it voluntarily to close the transaction , he can not recover it .
28 LOOKING like he is appearing in some designer-conscious jeans advert , Nicholas Cage steps out of a big white gas guzzler on a sun-baked road in Wyoming .
29 Even on the assumption that Yusuf Bali did draw up the original and not just the copy , it does not by any means necessarily follow that he was acting as in so doing ; nor , further , does it necessarily follow that if he were acting as he was doing so in his father 's absence from Bursa , much less his absence on the pilgrimage .
30 He was n't as pessimistic as Harold L. ( who by this time had gone home , pleading that he was suffering from gastric flu ) .
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