Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it be not " in BNC.

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1 Either it is raining or it is not raining .
2 Well , I think we should tell national office that this is , you know , this is happening and it 's not on !
3 On the preliminary issue the judge dismissed the application holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation even though no financial loss was pleaded or alleged , that where a local authority instituted proceedings in reliance on section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 it was for the local authority to decide on the expediency of litigating and it was not the court 's function to do so on an application to strike out , and that since the words complained of reflected on the local authority itself in the management and rectitude of its financial affairs , the statement of claim did disclose a cause of action against the defendants .
5 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
6 ‘ Jason was here when I came , proving that it 's not what a player costs but what he does that counts . ’
7 However , his distressed natural fabrics are an eerily beautiful choice for the contemporary aesthete , proving that it 's not always necessary for fashion designers to be timelords too .
8 The burden of proving that it was not reasonably practicable would appear to fall on the defendant .
9 This saddles the defendant with the task of proving that it was not practicable that the procession should have been postponed .
10 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
11 Will he give at least gentle guidance to LEAs suggesting that it is not reasonable for students to be excluded from discretionary grants merely because their parents have moved home ?
12 I do him the credit of suggesting that it was not of his invention .
13 Yet the Declaration of Rights made no provision for regular Parliaments ; it merely stated that " Parliaments ought to be held frequently " , and even then it was the last demand made in the document , suggesting that it was not a particularly high priority .
14 It was a lunchtime event which proved most enjoyable , and people left realising that it 's not only the banks that can do something to cover themselves .
15 I lay there realising that it was not true , but also realising something else .
16 ‘ In the first place , there is the doctrine , which may now perhaps be regarded as a rule of evidence , that , if a voluntary disposition in favour of the husband is impeached , the burden of establishing that it was not improperly or unfairly procured may be placed upon him by proof of circumstances raising any doubt or suspicion .
17 So , on the other hand , feminists want another kind of knowledge — based on believing that it is not enough to establish that Angelica Kauffman was productive and well respected in both difficult and popular forms of art .
18 Yet the high-momentum electrons and positrons observed must eventually be explained somehow and it is perhaps worth remarking that it is not new in physics for novel phenomena to be observed when looking for something else .
19 Are you implying that it 's not very long been in this country ?
20 Callaghan seemed to be implying that it was not enough to offer young people a broad liberal curriculum in school , if such a curriculum did not prepare them to face the unthinking anonymity of the factory production line .
21 concerts and things , but you can , you can tell , with just , just by listening that it 's not just any old body tinkling on the piano , it 's wonderful , it makes you sick .
22 it 's stopped raining and it 's not raining or anything .
23 The divider sheets are not necessarily replaced when new statutes are added , so look for a recent statute in its proper chronological place , and if necessary check with the cumulative supplement before deciding that it is not included .
24 It is worth noting that it was not the Committee 's objective to assert directly the primacy of English over classics , but instead to capture for their subject some of the cultural authority invested in classics for an altered social and educational purpose .
25 This acts as a commitment payment and demonstrates the seriousness of the vendors confirming that it is not their intention just to test the water and withdraw .
26 Micro Focus Plc makes a very good living out of a programming language that many believed would be long dead by now yet still shows no signs of fading away — but if object-oriented programming fulfils its promise and sweeps away the paraphernalia of the first 35 years of the computer industry , Micro Focus is going to have to be ready and waiting if it is not going to be swept away too .
27 I am waiting and it is not a time for you to be chatting .
28 That comes up as waiting because it 's not the right side .
29 Grilled beef can take any style providing that it 's not too sweet ( as German mustards are ) or flavoured with an unsuitable herb such as dill .
30 However , for the foal , providing that it is not extremely young , it is quite different !
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