Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no denying that she 'd caught his interest .
2 ‘ Your wife is Guy 's sister ? ’ asked Isabel , in her curiosity not even noticing that she had used fitzAlan 's given name .
3 On May 23 she issued a statement announcing that she had declined to accept the party presidency .
4 When Jennifer rushed in at 7.15 , explaining that she had caught the bus home , Sue , her flatmate , raised her eyebrows .
5 My aunt was explaining that she had come up to visit me .
6 He was simply checking that she had considered all the angles before reaching her decision to go .
7 Crown counsel informed defence counsel of an inconsistency between the sister 's testimony and her first statement without showing him that statement or revealing that she had made a second statement confirming the first statement in that respect .
8 ‘ Barney 's as thrilled as I am , ’ Cara replied , revealing that she had phoned him as soon as she 'd read her mail .
9 A double page spread appeared in the Mail , featuring Beattie 's real mother , Zelma , in her house in Hull , and revealing that she prefers to use Mercury as it 's cheaper .
10 I do n't know why they started laughing and she started laughing and her laughing 's like
11 Astrid was laughing when she came running up , coat and scarf flying , shopping bags like gibsails billowing , her pretty mouth with little teeth making her seem to shine all over .
12 Julia looked at David then and was a little surprised to see that he was not laughing as she had expected .
13 Ellen was laughing as she tried to stop the gunk that still spewed from the cylinder .
14 Donna rubbed both hands across her face , her body quivering as she began to regain some warmth , some feeling in her extremities .
15 It was like being in the room with Miss Trimm yet again confiding that she 'd mothered another Jesus Christ .
16 The presentation had been quite an unnecessary proceeding , as she and Uncle Orrin Tunstall had agreed , seeing that she had met and known both the King and Queen since she was ten years old and had first visited England with her mama and papa .
17 ‘ Can I get it for you ? ’ he said , seeing that she had settled into a chair .
18 Lucenzo detached himself from the crowd and ran up the stairs two at a time , seeing that she 'd frozen .
19 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
20 One foggy night she lost her way and had to grope along the bank for some way finally realising that she had circled round and returned to the Halling side by mistake .
21 To my utter surprise , Arune went home after one evenings viewing and produced the V-neck sweater with patterning that she had seen on the Video !
22 Then , remembering that she had left her boa in the car , with a totally unhurried gesture , she put a hand up to hold it together at her throat .
23 Deliberately , he refrained from remarking that she had called him by his Christian name for the first time .
24 It was in the course of that initial watching and listening that she had come across Amy .
25 Such thoughts were always unsettling and she refused to spoil a perfect summer morning by dwelling on the matter now .
26 As a matter of course she picked them up , spearing them with her fork and not pausing until she had collected them all , and replaced the lid .
27 She had n't been acting when she 'd responded so passionately out there on the dance floor .
28 ‘ Do n't you dare presume to tell me what I need ! ’ she spat , trembling as she began to clamber on to the quayside .
29 I mean once she 's tidied up she 's nice looking when she 's had a good polish and what have you .
30 Yes , he was every bit as good looking as she had thought he was when she had glimpsed him from the catwalk .
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