Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just praying er just praying that it would happen for her .
2 er just praying er just praying that it would happen for her .
3 Just after the war began the prime minister was asked by a Conservative backbencher to condemn the BBC for announcing that it would avoid calling British troops ‘ our troops ’ .
4 On June 1 President Ranasinghe Premadasa had held talks with LTTE leaders in Colombo , and on June 6 the government conceded a key LTTE demand , announcing that it would dissolve the North-Eastern Provincial Council ( elected in late 1988 , when the province was under the control of Indian troops , and in the face of an LTTE election boycott — see p. 37007 ) and hold fresh elections .
5 Barclays Bank plc took the step in March 1984 of announcing that it would aim to keep its base rate within ¼ — ⅜%; of the prevailing three month interbank rate , but there no longer seems to be a very precise linkage between the two rates .
6 The workforce at France 's most successful car manufacturer has rejected an earlier management offer of a 1.5 per cent pay rise and , in the face of what is widely seen here as management intransigence , the government reluctantly got involved in the private sector dispute yesterday evening , announcing that it would appoint an official conciliator .
7 Sri Lanka broke off diplomatic relations with Israel on April 20 , 1990 , announcing that it would restore them when Israel recognised the PLO , withdrew from the occupied territories and agreed to participate in an international peace conference .
8 On Jan. 17 , challenging the government by repudiating unilaterally the restrictions prohibiting " any activities of acts whatsoever " formally imposed in February 1988 , the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) held a press conference in Johannesburg , announcing that it would resume full public activity and reopen its offices .
9 The new Labour government elected in June 1992 moved quickly to repair Israel 's relations with the USA , announcing that it would halt large-scale government investment in settlements [ see p. 38946 ] .
10 IBM Deutschland GmbH greeted Gerstner 's appointment by announcing that it would cut nearly 4,000 jobs this year , up from the 3,000 planned : ‘ We need a cost efficient structure as soon as possible , ’ chief executive Bernhard Dorn said .
11 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
12 The United States , or to be more precise , US capital , was clearly gaining if it could borrow at 1½ per cent and invest in setting up or buying businesses in Europe , which would earn a much greater rate of profit .
13 This evening 's heavy rain will clear away with the winds dying but it will stay pretty cloudy with the odd shower .
14 Historians of the conservative tendency , in rejecting the claims of the leading historians of the popular reform movement , seem to be suggesting that it must have been over-reacting .
15 Italian glaciologists have reported the shrinkage of the Valtellina ice cap over the Italian Alps , suggesting that it could disappear altogether within 60 years .
16 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
17 Olivetti said its use of Alpha would definitely be restricted to the high-end workstation market : it ‘ has other designs ’ when it comes to servers , hinting that it may bring out a product in that area based on the parallel processing technology of Kendall Square Research Corp , the Waltham , Massachusetts-based company in which it has a stake ( see page three ) .
18 Syria is hinting that it may refuse to attend further talks unless it is promised the whole of the Golan first .
19 He told Unigram.X that the Novell takeover gives these companies ‘ a more logical and fundamental opportunity to line up more , ’ hinting that it may foster ‘ things the market has n't seen yet . ’
20 The federal cartel office in Berlin is hinting that it will forbid the takeover of MBB .
21 It is precisely because it is thought to be binding that it can serve as an expression of identification .
22 ‘ All right , then , ’ she conceded , realising that it would seem odd if she went on refusing his offer .
23 In London during the Great Plague people chewed on the root , believing that it would protect them from the disease .
24 The magistrate was having none of this , however , believing that it would lower the dignity of the law , although the prosecuting counsel had a better idea and asked Mr Gamage if he was equally prepared to be shot in the face .
25 Smith is embarrassed about the award , believing that it should have gone to Graham Gooch .
26 Erm we sir had objected to the erm er allocation proposed for of employment land under I five er to Harrogate , er believing that it should have been even more than
27 We are used to the Labour party believing that it can talk up its support by talking the country down .
28 Conversely , the Single European Market could benefit operators in the South East but a great many operators are uncertain ( 31 per cent ) or indifferent ( 36 per cent ) to the Single Market , believing that it will have no effect .
29 It was entirely fitting that it should end with a sit-in at the Guildhall by a number of homeless families and with a dispute over the allocation of houses .
30 Made in the reign of Calixtus , it was obviously seen fitting that it should end the series of pictures of the popes involved in the struggle .
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