Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
2 Examination of the metal showed that it had always been in a clean condition with no evidence of corrosion , suggesting that it had never been buried .
3 He scanned the print , seeing that it echoed more or less exactly the story Swansborough had just told him , then turned his attention to the photograph alongside — three people , obviously dressed for leisure .
4 In another direction , P&W plans to enter the facilities management market , believing that it sits well with the company 's annual report and corporate finance activities .
5 ‘ I expect it 's because I 'm writing and it takes longer , ’ Maggie confessed with a shrug .
6 Astrology can not be allowed as a serious contribution to living because it fails empirically in relation to the natural world , and could be foolish , or dangerous , in political and economic affairs .
7 Tears filled her eyes as the truth danced before her , but they ebbed without spilling as it danced away again .
8 Straightforward electronic testing of the assembly , that is , seeing if it does all the things it should , is slow , costly and may still fail to reveal some imperfections .
9 ‘ Well , I do n't want you two gossiping about me , ’ said Comfort , her lazily amused voice sharpening until it sounded almost vicious .
10 ‘ They was saying in the grocer 's today , the river 'll be flooding if it gets much worse .
11 But the Nikkei Industrial Daily sounds a note of warning for NEC : there are two pitfalls for the company with the current order , it says : the sheer difficulty of running a development project to create the mainframe software that makes up the ‘ Fourth Online System ’ — people involved with the development of Third Online Systems predicted the end of such enormous projects ; and the danger of overlooking the trend towards downsizing because it devotes too much time and too many resources on the project .
12 How fast was car A going when it turned right ?
13 Rincewind found that he was now hanging onto the end of a tongue of bark and fibre , lengthening as it peeled away from the tree .
14 Mrs Pember Reeves was ambivalent on the issue , commenting that it depended largely on whether the accommodation was above or below ground and on the absolute minimum that was allowed for food .
15 That is not bad considering that it spends so much of its time pulling a boat around .
16 The impact of modern technology is probably of profound importance , providing as it has relatively cheap information storage on film and communication equipment ( video and newspapers ) .
17 Fingerspelling as it exists today consists of a direct alphabetic representation of the language as it would be written down .
18 To stop it from sucking because it dissolves too well It 's like you in there drinking drinking er coke out of a straw if you you suck enough It 'll all end up in your mouth .
19 On Sept. 24 the Deputy Prime Minister , Tariq Aziz , justified the detention of the team , saying that it had wrongfully seized personnel records .
20 But London Ambulance Service categorically denied that it had plans to cut off phone lines , saying that it had only authorised one disconnection at Park Royal Ambulance Station , West London , because crews had locked themselves in .
21 The order , issued at the end of talks between IAEA and Iraqi officials in Vienna on March 20-25 , was described as " unfair " by the chief Iraqi negotiator , Khalid Ibrahim Sa'id , who had reportedly argued against Al-Atheer 's destruction , saying that it had originally been conceived as a civilian facility and should be allowed to continue operating as such .
22 Doreen , loyal to her role of concubine , had tried to cheer him up by saying that it had never been so good .
23 Law ( b ) is more falsifiable than law ( a ) , which is tantamount to saying that it claims more , that it is the better law .
24 I ca n't go running cos it hurts too much .
25 At the end of the exercise have a short period of conversation while you concentrate on the fingertips on your larynx and on feeling the right degree of voice volume , your friend keeping check for you on the right amount of voice volume and indicating if it becomes too loud or too quiet .
26 But it welcomed FRED4 , saying because it contains more detailed proposals its provisions should be used to override FRED3 and , indeed , there should be a requirement for all transactions to be interpreted in the light of the draft off balance sheet standard .
27 Word had already gone around about the sex sequence , and there was also some interest in the political content , coming as it did shortly after the attempts at peace in Vietnam and Nixon 's pledge to end the war .
28 The question , coming as it did unexpectedly at the end of her monologue , disconcerted me .
29 The gunfire and noise in the woods had been lessening as it drew nearer and the targets became fewer .
30 The data will be retrieved from the database , assuming that it has already been collected and stored .
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