Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] be [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fixation at this stage may result if toilet training is too harsh and demanding or is begun too early or too late .
2 Unless the offer is recommended and a shut-out ( see para 8.2 below ) is possible ( so that the offeror knows in advance that its offer will be successful ) , the offeror will normally wish to make the rights issue conditional on the offer becoming or being declared wholly unconditional .
3 ( 8 ) The offer of the cash underwritten alternative is usually made conditional only upon the main share offer becoming or being declared wholly unconditional in accordance with its terms .
4 ‘ Draw them under shadow ’ may mean no more than ‘ pull them out of the hall and into the dark ’ , but it implies also ‘ going we know not where ’ , dying and being handed over for ever to the powers of evil .
5 They represent a crystallised situation , which would have arisen if Hook Harris had ceased trading and been sold off .
6 In the discussion which followed the Zuwaya argued that five hours had passed and they had elected no one : in view of the late hour and the irregularities ( another Magharba member of the local Assembly , doubling as an electoral officer , was suspected of cheating and was escorted out by police ) it would be better to hold the elections another day .
7 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
8 Footstraps are on the board to stop your feet bouncing or being washed off in stronger winds .
9 She sat on the tool-box , pressing her hat to her head , and looking not this time out to sea but at all that was passing and being left behind .
10 All the time , for nearly 200 million years , soil was forming and being washed away .
11 Your boyfriend said to say he was sorry he had missed you , and he 'd be writing and was doing nicely .
12 But at least she was safe from the man on the ground , who now seemed to be recovering and was looking up at her with intense fury as he rubbed the area just below his ribs .
13 The prison service is overstretched and to stop the cycle of reoffending and being sent back , the more help , counselling and comfort the betterThe Trust has fourteen hundred prisoners practicing Yoga or meditation .
14 He wanted to say her name but he could not remember it ; he wanted to engage in the physical endearments and gentleness he so much prided himself on bestowing and was received so gratefully for so doing , but this lean , hard-bodied girl would have none of it .
15 ‘ I was a very pretty boy , ’ Jeffrey Bernard admits , adding that being picked up by Minton was a little like becoming Long John Silver 's parrot .
16 But by then , the hedgehog was tired of waiting and was walking away across the croquet-ground .
17 In some schools , particularly in urban areas , there are teachers who are not teaching or are teaching very few hours , while in others teachers are coping with very large classes .
18 It was a learning situation for all concerned , and in the processes of meeting and debating , reporting and being reported on , there was a substantial measure of self-scrutiny — in relation not only to the content of courses , but also to the procedures being followed within institutions and in the CNAA .
19 Your body is beginning to become familiar with the various movements you are undertaking and is becoming more supple each day .
20 However , there are two significant additional factors : on the one hand the parents use sign language and therefore growth in the infants from gesture into sign ( rather than into speech ) is predicted , but on the other hand just over half of the sample infants are hearing and are acquiring both sign language and spoken English during this phase .
21 During this trial by ordeal the restaurant was almost empty although people kept arriving and being turned away because : ‘ There are no tables . ’
22 She treated coldly all attempts to dab the scent on her own sleeve , rejected any suggestion that it could suitably be tried out on Owen and Mahmoud , and insisted that it be tested on a woman , an assistant , perhaps , or , preferably , the shopkeeper 's wife , a suggestion which , with its hint of superiority , would have had shopkeepers in the more Westernized parts of the city grovelling but was treated simply commercially in the bazaar .
23 I can enjoy the experience of killing or being wounded fully , because I am not killing or being killed .
24 I am confident that by January 1994 , as the Institute reviews the second year of audit regulation , we shall be able to demonstrate that professional regulation is working and is working well .
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