Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [art] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no denying that the miners suffered a humiliating defeat , but was this true of the wider trade union movement ?
2 Then each one of them could n't help noticing that the others seemed to be walking faster and faster .
3 I have done so with the earnest endeavour to be able to speak to that brief , but I have to start by declaring failure and announcing that the results have been negative .
4 ‘ He sent a message to the governor explaining that the thefts continued to take place at a time when the firm had transferred me to England for a period of six months .
5 On the other hand , Fokine insisted that most of Petrushka was danced mime , explaining that the dances performed in the fairground were the only real ones : ‘ These were not my own work as such crowds would have danced like that any way .
6 The machine would read the punched tape and automatically move the tool , control the speed of rotation of the chuck of the lathe , or of the milling tool , and carry out the work while the operator stood by checking that no malfunctions occurred .
7 Two-thirds of the ground floor of each house in the terrace was taken up by a garage ; the door to Sybil 's stood open with the car inside but the other three were closed , revealing that the owners had differing and not particularly compatible tastes in colour .
8 It is both unfortunate and revealing that the solutions suggested by Wilding are managerial in perspective — with more planning and more control seen as the crucial ameliorative requirements .
9 This led to a discussion of timetabling and the constraints imposed by group sizes , and how these constraints might be eased .
10 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
11 Harriet Shakespeare 's desperately serious expression , with the eyes widening and the eyebrows flickering up and down .
12 An engineer 's report states that the foundations are defective and that the house will need underpinning and the foundations repaired .
13 Have you seen salespeople handing out free samples at public events without checking if the recipients smoke ?
14 They were not ; the paintings were laughing and the laughs had a subtle meaning .
15 She wanted to put the phone down and pretend it was n't happening but the noises came back and a different voice said , ‘ Sergeant MacDonald is n't here at the moment .
16 Abul Ismail said , ‘ She was starving before the beams fell on her body .
17 Perhaps she had rooms full of glass cases upstairs with people stuck to sheets of cardboard , the pins through the spines quivering as the limbs twitched .
18 She hovered for a brief time over the trunk of the tree , tears streaming from her eyes , shuddering as the axes continued to cut into the wood , shaking her head from side to side .
19 On Jan. 29 President César Gaviria Trujillo made a fresh offer , extending an earlier decree to include crimes committed up to the time of surrender , and on Jan. 30 the Extraditables , maintaining that the police had in fact killed Diana Turbay , announced that they were reconsidering their latest declaration of war and would abstain from violent action for the moment .
20 ‘ After ascertaining that the reproductions had not been printed by the artist herself ’ , he writes , ‘ [ The Copyright Office ] ruled that the printer 's contribution added enough originality to the process to make the reproductions derivative works … and that the copyrights of the reproductions were therefore owned by the printers .
21 PP : We have heard evidence suggesting that the conditions imposed by the banks and the IMF led to rises in the price of food which may have contributed to the death of Inday Rodriguez .
22 When Kepler refined the Copernican system , he broke with centuries of tradition in suggesting that the planets moved in ellipses , not in circles .
23 enable your opponent to abandon a commitment by : describing all the concessions you have made so far suggesting that the circumstances have changed blaming some other party or situation for the present position , such as the government , another union , the economy , the personnel department suggesting that somehow there has been a misunderstanding referring the whole matter to another individual or group .
24 The situation remained unclear at the end of the month , with some French press reports suggesting that the rebels had opted for guerrilla warfare .
25 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
26 In a sense the scoreboard lied by suggesting that the Springboks had run New Zealand close .
27 The phrase ‘ Protocols-style ’ carries a critical rhetoric , suggesting that the authors wished to distance themselves from the traditions of the conspiracy theory .
28 ‘ Are you suggesting that the travellers have murdered Barbs for her money ? ’ asked Clarissa , ignoring this interruption from the men .
29 Lord Donaldson was suggesting that the parties made an informed decision that the matter had to be referred to arbitration on the basis that they had a formulated dispute where their rights and obligations were to be determined .
30 A more likely explanation is that , seeing that the Germans had vanished overnight from the field of Gumbinnen he judged his outnumbered foe to be in full retreat , either to the fortress city of Konigsberg or over the Vistula .
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