Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [det] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 John Allen said : ‘ There is a very definite distinction between those who go climbing and those who go walking .
2 Jesus is not suggesting there are some who are righteous and some who are sinners , because we 're all sinners , all have sinned but he 's suggesting that those who do n't realize and acknowledge they 're sinners , he says , I have n't come to call you .
3 Great care should be exercised by the candidate in seeing that those who sign the nomination paper are electors for the electoral area .
4 Is it too much to hope , ask or even start demanding that those who exercise authority in respect of the problem — those sitting in Government , whether here or in the Republic of Ireland — start to solve that problem ?
5 The horse will gallop off in terror , not realising that all it has to do is open its jaws to free itself from its tormentor .
6 Or are you going to go on pretending that all we did last night was make love ?
7 Believing that all he had to do was crown himself and slay the princes , Malekith marched into the sacred flame , confident that like his father before him he could endure the ordeal .
8 Overall , when the children on the course were compared to those in the control groups , it was found that none of them had taken up smoking and some who had been using snuff before the start of the programme had now given up .
9 ‘ Its main concerns would become food and the people who consume it , not farming and those who produce it . ’
10 Most shipowners of the day had not , since the foundation of the Shipping Federation some two decades earlier , moved from the contention that it was an entirely defensive combination , devoted only to the principle of freedom of contract and to securing that those who accepted its ticket would work with other crew members , whether unionised or not .
11 Today , however , it is a very different story with only five species remaining and each one endangered .
12 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
13 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
14 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
15 Er John Grantham , C P R E , erm just coming back to the to the general questions you you asked earlier about about erm consistency with guidance and and P P G three in particular , erm in in the written evidence we we 've addressed that , and I do n't wish to go over that ground short of saying that that I feel the contribution from er Mr Jewitt , which was Hambledon 's particularly helpful in that regard in in I think explaining erm how government guidance is different now to when to how it was er at the earlier deliberations of the Greater York authorities , and I feel that that 's very important consideration erm , I 'd I 'd like to restrict my my comments just to two points , and they they both really refer to things that were introduced by the representative from from Barton Willmore .
16 No I know , I 'm just saying that all they sent was a , a statement book .
17 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
18 Another thing , sociology would seem to be saying that those who have wealth and do well do so at the expense of the poor unfortunate .
19 " All you do , " says he , " is post a notice saying that those who do n't pay , and dogs as well , are liable to be shot . "
20 And we pray for the refugees of our world , asking that those who have the power and ability to help may have the resources and will to provide food , clothing , shelter and a permanent home .
21 He swung off the horse and stood in front of her , tired and dirty from travelling and all she heard was a sound like the crashing of waves on pebbles and she put her hands over her ears and swayed in pain at the roadside .
22 Insisting that all it needed was a little Lux , he put the painting on the floor and began scrubbing .
23 There was a gap while Cobalt was talking and all they heard was Rain 's murmur of interest .
24 The administration demonstrated the same speed and foresight in recognising that those who control the monopoly of the means of destruction can translate into the monopoly of gain .
25 Yeah but you the thermostat on your tank is telling should be telling that that you 've got a cold tank that 's what thermostat 's for .
26 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
27 That can be ameliorated if the manager reduces uncertainty by turning to those sources of information — of every kind — which are essential for good organization and by ensuring that those who provide the information are reliable and responsive .
28 We have considered alternative definitions of a legal problem and indicated what we consider to be the best working definition to adopt , but this discussion will remain largely academic ( save in estimating the extent of unmet legal need ) unless there is some effective way of ensuring that those who have legal problems , however defined , secure legal assistance .
29 Emerson revealed that both those who continued working and those who retired ‘ appeared to be to some extent affected by rather garbled information concerning retirement impact ’ ( Emerson 1959 ) .
30 And you do n't realize that you are lost , and not only that , but you are griping when those who realize their condition call out to me and I 'm reaching to them and rescuing them , you are griping at that !
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