Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] had given " in BNC.

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1 What was even more satisfying was knowing that she had given him that same lesson , not once but twice , this morning when she 'd stunned him by agreeing to see his grandmother on her own time , and last night , when she 'd turned away his advances , and never mind all that pretence about his not being interested .
2 Hawke immediately denied the allegation to the federal parliament , claiming that he had given no such promise and that a decision about the tax was not made until a month after the lunch .
3 as if sensing that she had given up fighting him for the present , fitzAlan released her immediately , frowning down at her distraught face .
4 Sir Gregory had no intention of admitting that he had given way to his wife 's insistence that Jennifer must go , so he refrained from giving Harry any sort of answer .
5 ‘ I seem to remember that he never stopped talking and I had given him the cold fish eye . ’
6 Broadcast on November 23rd , 1982 , the Play for Today , ‘ John David ’ was meticulously balanced in its depiction of the true life dilemma facing the author of the play , Paula Milne , on discovering that she had given birth to a child with Down 's Syndrome .
7 Feeling that she had given her due of politeness to the curate , the due exacted by her mother and elder sister , she pattered onto Maurice , and , after having a bit of a poke round , shot across the connecting gangplank onto Grace .
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