Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 remember that just a few weeks ago that you were de , almost denying that we 'd have to do this sort of thing !
2 King Hussein delivered a televised speech to the nation on Nov. 5 in which he spoke publicly for the first time about his recent cancer surgery in the United States [ see p. 39118 ] , announcing that he would have to undergo further tests in the USA .
3 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
4 He wrote to the company 's insurers outlining Susan 's complaint , and eventually received a letter explaining that he would have to provide evidence that the stylist had not done her job properly .
5 But , erm , that this is gon na be happening and you ought to have an input .
6 Keep him laughing and he might have second thoughts about eating you !
7 Early observers who saw otters surfacing with abalones noticed that the abalone shells were often damaged , suggesting that they might have been removed by force .
8 While badgers can ‘ snuzzle and take all the corn crops ’ and will sometimes take the odd lamb , they are not considered a threat to farming , though it has been suggesting that they might have links with tuberculosis in milking herds .
9 Although there are no known examples in Britain , it is interesting to note the number of stones bearing the monogram built into the churches , suggesting that they could have been taken from the pagan monuments and re-used .
10 Historians of the conservative tendency , in rejecting the claims of the leading historians of the popular reform movement , seem to be suggesting that it must have been over-reacting .
11 Two of her books were educational , suggesting that she may have worked as a teacher .
12 ‘ You are not suggesting that she might have been sacrificed in some demoniacal ritual , are you , Burney ? ’
13 He was about to return the compliment by suggesting that she might have lost a little weight when she leaned across and helped herself to another jam tart .
14 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
15 Other dinosaurs , namely the duckbilled hadrosaurs — herbivorous versions of T. Rex — were found with fossilized ribs that frequently revealed healed breaks , hinting that they may have been involved in fights or in ritualized trials of strength in which their massive hind feet were used .
16 ‘ When we were waiting to be questioned by the police , Doug Wilson was saying that Rodney had been making a play for Angy and hinting that he might have got somewhere . ’
17 The long journey across , the shock of realising that she would have to share the house with a complete stranger , and a highly undesirable one at that , had disorientated her .
18 ‘ For once , not Rosemary , though I 'm getting more and more desperate about not knowing what to do for the best , ’ he confessed , but went on to explain , ‘ I spent a lot of time yesterday in realising that I must have been a real wet blanket when Naylor announced your engagement on Saturday . ’
19 Monohydrate is an alternative form which releases oxygen at lower temperatures , but has disadvantages — including that we would have to make considerable expenditure on a new plant .
20 We laugh about it now , but it is sobering to think that thousands of men , either too old or too young for the Services , should have gone quite voluntarily , many nights a week , to drill and to manoeuvre , seriously believing that they might have to encounter an invading army .
21 Most importantly , when you meet work colleagues and friends , your springy step must be able to bluff them into believing that you could have managed two laps of the course .
22 It concluded that Kennedy was shot by Oswald acting alone , a verdict which has been questioned ever since by those believing that he must have been acting as part of a conspiracy .
23 Smith is embarrassed about the award , believing that it should have gone to Graham Gooch .
24 Erm we sir had objected to the erm er allocation proposed for of employment land under I five er to Harrogate , er believing that it should have been even more than
25 Conversely , the Single European Market could benefit operators in the South East but a great many operators are uncertain ( 31 per cent ) or indifferent ( 36 per cent ) to the Single Market , believing that it will have no effect .
26 It is particularly fitting that we should have the debates on education and employment on the same day , because education is a continuing process throughout life upon which employment is heavily dependent .
27 Lawson 's chosen weapon was the most politically damaging that he could have selected — successive increases in interest rates , to reach a minimum lending rate of 15 per cent by October 1989 , on the eve of the Tory party conference .
28 When Dickens 's narrator is left alone in a panelled and smoke-darkened parlour , he acknowledges the influence of the Gothic novel in remarking that he should have ‘ followed the established precedent ’ and ‘ fallen into a fit of musing without delay ’ .
29 Police said that the motive for the shooting was not clear , adding that it could have been politically motivated or a crime of passion .
30 They are becoming a lot more common , yes when you look in the report and accounts there are far , far more of these deferred pensioners there than er than ever used to exist and it 's something which I must admit we have n't given a lot of thought to yet , but it 's something because it 's growing that we will have to address erm in our federation , we will have to address that problem .
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