Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] time and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unless you are prepared to pursue your legal action with a reasonable amount of vigour , you will find that you are wasting both time and money .
2 No matter how great one 's design ability , or how beautiful or costly the materials with which you frame your design , if the pressed flowers are not perfect then you will be wasting both time and money .
3 A chasm has undoubtedly developed , but the sporadic re-emergency of the blasted simulators — they keep crawling up time and time again with bedraggled , sanguine hollers of intent - and the beady eyes cast by all manner of unlikely contenders on pop 's centre stage ( ‘ We see no reason why this band should n't be huge ’ ) — suggests that our new proposition of an overground and underground sticks in the craw .
4 Six feet four inches of Kenneth paces up and down behind us , muttering about time and traffic .
5 Private rituals of artistic work , including setting aside time and space to work , preparation of materials , procedure for work .
6 ‘ Three names kept cropping up time and time again , ’ a police spokesman said .
7 He agreed with Tuttle that the Laetoli creatures were not curling their toes under which would be one way to suggest that proof of compatibility — and one species — is based on a composite foot spanning both time and species .
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