Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secure the long bullrush leaves around the pond , sticking on with a little fondant .
2 For instance , judo flyweight Karen Briggs grappling on with a dislocated shoulder shoved back in its socket .
3 As the right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) advised everyone in the Financial Times last week , ’ There is nothing to prevent a group of countries pressing on with a separate Treaty The fact is that we can not , even if we wished , stop the others going ahead . ’
4 Cut the rich fruit cake in half diagonally and place one half on top of the other to form a triangle , sandwiching on with a little apricot glaze .
5 Avoid bouncing up and down because an élite performer will simply wait until you are moving upwards before driving in with a strong attack .
6 Unlike its predecessors , Warrior is capable of keeping up with a Main Battle Tank across country
7 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
8 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
9 Clearly , unless these features are defined with precision , there is a danger of ending up with a tautological explanation : what is recent must also be novel because it is recent .
10 Weary constituency and trade union delegates , queuing for a cup of tea and a sandwich , constantly risk ending up with a signed copy of someone 's memoirs .
11 Elio de Angelis was his team-mate and he garnered such points as a deeply disappointing Lotus offered , winding up with a single point .
12 As he was talking , he was sliding out of bed , still trying to face his wife , but finally leaping up with a glad cry and rushing for the door , clad only in his pyjama top , his penis smacking against his thighs as he ran , as she noted .
13 Everything was happening now with a distant , dreamlike certainty .
14 What The Smiths were about was narcissism , damaged , exploding back with a defiant fantasy of martyrdom .
15 Ian said he spent the whole day walking around with a daft grin on his face .
16 I was just walking around with a huge grin on my face .
17 I mean you see them walking around particularly people who go for the big dogs , you see them walking around with a big thick necks , the tattoos , the er the boots and the jeans rolled up .
18 She had been standing on the pavement , holding some silly banner — ‘ EDUCATION CUTS ARE NOT COMIC ’ , or something like that — talking and laughing excitedly with a big-bosomed woman stuffed into a scarlet ski-suit and pink moon boots , and he remembered thinking to himself : so it 's finally happened — designer industrial action .
19 It was the Regent Street of Cairo ; except that in Regent Street you would not see a man walking by with a stuffed crocodile on his head or a pig being carried by in a cage .
20 He moved slowly forward , groping ahead with a breast-stroke motion .
21 Hey hey I say all these kids are doing is walking round with a bloody turnip with a candle in it .
22 Ways of retreat from this point are various and there is even a metal ring — I hesitate to say bolt — to facilitate an abseil. the able can reverse the climbs on the pinnacle 's short side and the crazy always have the option of hobbling away with a sprained ankle after ‘ successfully ’ negotiating Cook 's Leap , the jump across the gully to the main edge !
23 When father and son were alone David stood warming his hands at the brazier , and looking down with a clouded face into the red glow .
24 The scheme involves unwanted good quality furniture being offered to families or individuals in need and its continuing success means it is now operating self-sufficiently with a small excess of income over expenditure .
25 ‘ Things , ’ he echoed , looking up with a sinking feeling in his heart .
26 our next stop is over in Herefordshire at Ross on Wye … we 're meeting up with a young tennis player who 's won himself a place at the world 's top coaching clinic … the story of Tim Bibby is our Friday Feature
27 Venturing out with a small baby is actually easier than with toddlers , who want to crawl , explore and get up to mischief .
28 Although writing here with a different purpose from our own — and exclusively from a psychodynamic perspective — Anthony nevertheless articulates for us the final theme that remains to be developed in this chapter , which concerns the formal similarities between the mechanisms of mad and creative thought .
29 He was looking round with a vacant look on his face and I was frightened .
30 I found myself wandering round with a wry smile on my face and occasionally bursting into laughter at my own presumption .
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