Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adam ran crashing downhill in a narrow dark ride , almost into the arms of a man who came striding suddenly out of the bushes , sword in hand .
2 A second or two later , everything came crashing down in a big heap on the railway line below .
3 The greatest human impact has been in Uruguay , where 600–2000 franciscanas have been drowning annually in a gill-net fishery for sharks in recent years .
4 As she reached the foot of the narrow stair Penry emerged from the kitchen , his black eyebrows knitting together in a daunting frown at the sight of her .
5 To quote the Federation 's annual report for 1948–49 , ‘ one purpose of the Federation ’ is ‘ that of bringing together in a friendly atmosphere the members of different Branches and Groups and thereby strengthening the unity and spirit of the WEA in Essex ’ .
6 We start by bringing together in a compact and comparative form the key data for the various groups of intermediaries , in Table 4.3 .
7 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
8 Here the skilled operator establishes in her own consciousness a network of alarm signals which go off when the train of thought starts chugging along in a dangerous direction .
9 have also interpreted an increased reactivity at position -46 to singlet oxygen occurring only in a ternary active complex , as an increase in bending allowing better contacts between the two proteins [ 32 ] .
10 Cooling off in a Scottish loch : riders from the Castle Riding Centre , Argyllshire .
11 NU VALK Dying deliberately in a lonely ( high ) place
12 Then turn to the opposite direction by stepping with the left foot about a shoulder 's width to the left , thus ending up in a left forward stance in the opposite direction .
13 When they hit the ground , they may stop abruptly , embedding themselves still glowing , fuming and sizzling slightly in the loose ash ; or they may bounce off , to leap down the steep sides of the cone in a series of great bounds , developing a rapid spin as they do so , and whirring downhill like cannonballs , ending up in a rattling shower of small stones at the bottom .
14 They are mopping up in a southerly direction .
15 The squawking continued for a moment before dying out in a final gurgle as Rev. Levitt recited the prescribed blessing .
16 But there are also thousands of people walking around in a semi-drugged state day after day because they are in the habit of taking tablets , whether prescribed or bought over the counter .
17 Normally to be seen driving around in a funereal Daimler — dwarfing the island 's other cars ( including the BMW of Premier Sir John Swan ) — the Governor also dons his uniform and takes to the streets in a horse-drawn landau several times a year .
18 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
19 To avoid being recognised , he took to driving everywhere in a closed cab .
20 Assembling quietly in a public house for our third meeting attracted the nucleus of ‘ ad hoc ’ Committee members .
21 As for the gossip , though , DisInformation was eavesdropping recently in a little wine bar it knows somewhere in the heart of the South 's Thatcherland .
22 The perfect weather for camping — a still , warm night with a gigantic pastel-coloured moon reflecting dreamily in a glassy loch — is coincidentally the perfect night for the midges to chew your ass off .
23 ( 3 ) In other words , although farm modernisation policies have actively encouraged non-viable or older farmers to retire from farming , many in the poorer areas have not done so , living on in a traditional way for extremely low returns .
24 They are followed by people acting neutrally in a principled way , i.e. , because they believe that there is a reason not to help or hinder one side more than the other .
25 Our interest is in political theories that require neutrality , i.e. , that are followed by acting neutrally in a principled way .
26 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
27 The band , forced to play covers of Beatles songs and American country music ( the staple diet of Rhodesian radio ) , immediately switched to traditional African songs written specifically about celebrating freedom and living together in a new country .
28 There is also some evidence that couples are living together in a stable relationship without being married , having a child , and then getting married later .
29 For example , the ‘ village community ’ can signify nothing more than a type of settlement — a small number of people living together in a rural location usually in a nucleated pattern .
30 The accused and that person were acting together in a dishonest enterprise .
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