Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] of [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The extraordinary stories of oddball training methods , holidays on the job , the wilful behaviour , the bringing down of star players .
2 People keep writing letters to the Mercury saying how can we afford to spend time and money debating this , well they can afford the time and the money employing out of work newsreaders to produce videos and writers and photographers to produce their glossy magazines , their glossy leaflets I did n't need the R S P C A or the League to tell me that er , the fox photo , this fox photo was a fake , I mean that 's obvious to anybody I did n't need them to tell me that the video was suspect , that too is obvious .
3 To confirm his fears , when we had been driving out of Tangier docks late at night , having only just arrived on African soil , a group of men had tried to stop us .
4 The company 's infiltration of the UK market was accelerated by the migration of a variety of British musicians to the infamous German clubs of the time , where they would perform rock'n'roll covers for audiences consisting largely of US Forces personnel .
5 The case studies ( Chapter 4 ) , on the basis of which the questionnaire had been developed , had contrasted a school in the more prosperous southern half of the borough with one in the north , an area consisting largely of council estates with relatively high levels of unemployment .
6 Almost half of the serviceable BR-owned wagon fleet in 1989 comprised ‘ merry-go-round ’ coal hoppers , with the remainder consisting largely of steel carriers , some vans and opens for general merchandise traffic , and — rather surprisingly and after much argument with the industry — the fleet of china clay carriers built to replace the venerable ‘ clay hoods ’ in 1988 .
7 One technique involves the picking up of spread cells from the surface of a saline or sucrose solution onto a slide and is generally used for spermatocyte spreading when an abundance of cells is available in suspension .
8 The Danzig police , who had been early to convert — almost as a bloc — to Nazism , began the ominous rounding up of oppositionist politicians , communists , activists from the Centre Party and those editors and journalists who remained hostile to the NSDAP .
9 Toyota 's Crown Majesta will incorporate new hermetically sealed lead batteries , which eliminate the need for regular checking and topping up of water levels .
10 Nowadays there is a sad , derelict air ; a sweetie shop , a pub and a cafe at street level and nobody looking out of upstairs windows .
11 Booming out of speaker boxes perched on the kerb , thundering from bars and shops , every corner has its own sound system .
12 " When Laval starts praising collective security and multilateral treaties , it is time to be wary " , Nizan laconically remarked , dismissing out of hand Lavals professed support for the politics of peace as no more than " carefully phrased remarks " .
13 A university education , after all , was no more than other people telling you what to think , the pouring in of examination facts , an uncreative process leading to sterility , not freedom .
14 But that leakage figure is n't just the leakage in our pipes , it 's the leakage or the water that you ca n't account for going out of customers premises and factories as well .
15 By doing this , I think players would think twice before pulling out of Tour Events as it could mean the difference of being world number one and world number two , which I believe means a great deal more to them than they would like to admit .
16 Pulling out of side roads when it is not safe to do so .
17 Many other ways of using the STM are pouring out of research laboratories and are likely to make their way to market .
18 Recent poaching incidents have led to stepping up of bailiff patrols and the setting up of a hotline by the River Annan 's Salmon Fishery Board .
19 Finally , labour costs ; differences in labour productivity are often greater than differences in wage levels , and the levelling up of wage levels with economic integration may undermine the competitive position of some regions .
20 The company 's remit is wide : negotiation of research and development contracts in collaboration with clients and staff ; drawing up of consultancy agreements , matching staff expertise to client specifications ; provision of both standard and customised training courses either in-house or on-campus , designed to meet the client 's needs ; negotiation of all EC contracts on behalf of the University .
21 If we pursue the doctrine of the orogeny/regression couple , then we must also expect the corollary that the wearing down of mountain ranges and the spread of continents by marginal sedimentation must lead to widespread transgressions .
22 The first part involves a slowing down of brain waves .
23 This is another result of the Government 's policy of hiving off of core services .
24 On the contrary , given the heavy and increasing rate of capital exports , which was a major priority for many of the dominating US multinationals , it was far better from the United States ' point of view that these capital exports should be mainly financed by a current account surplus rather than by endless piling up of US liabilities abroad to foreign central banks .
25 What would you rather have — a charge or a general thinning out of staffing levels — and almost unanimously it was ‘ We 'd rather pay a reasonable charge ’ .
26 Intervention was confined to abolishing the Health Services Board set up by Labour to regulate private sector growth , stopping the phasing out of pay beds and allowing consultants on full-time health service contracts to earn up to 10 per cent of their NHS salaries from private practice without any salary deduction .
27 Changes in tax law which resulted in the phasing out of capital allowances have removed some of the tax advantages of leasing .
28 One of the first things to happen after my arrival at Bourn was the phasing out of Stirling bombers , so that the one that followed me around the perimeter track must have been one of the last to operate from there .
29 Some of the benefit came from a pick-up in the US music industry but chief executive Colin Southgate said he was cautious about sales prospects this year and wanted to continue tightening belts and getting out of fringe businesses .
30 Figure 6.3 is not a unique analysis , but does correspond to a medium consisting mainly of silicate materials .
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