Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Before going on to examine the more detailed contributions of Russian Formalism to specific areas of literary studies , it might be worth pausing to assess the Formalist position by comparing it with the assumptions which it had set out to replace , and which to a certain extent continue to inform ( albeit implicitly ) critical studies still being produced today .
2 The sooner I can get the air-conditioning on , the better , ’ he said , taking off his own jacket before going over to inspect the rather antiquated unit , set in the lower frame of one of the windows .
3 Too often the choice for the British filmmaker has seemed to lie between critical approval combined with minimal box office or going all-out to emphasize the most garish , flamboyant and parochial aspects of popular cinema .
4 It was disappointing to note that the modern dressings , which were not available to DNs in 1979 , appear to have reduced the popularity of paste bandages and non-medicated tulles , while doing little to counteract the possibly damaging inappropriate use of antiseptics , antibiotics and steroids .
5 Comparison with the 1979 LFV survey showed , however , that modern dressings had reduced the popularity of tried and tested paste bandages while doing little to counteract the possibly damaging use of antiseptics , antibiotics and corticosteroids , still used on 21 per cent of EHA , and 18 per cent of PNK leg ulcers .
6 Sleek people accustomed to dealing with idler 's sunshine , some of them dancing only to explore a little vulgar love .
7 The water maze offers a number of advantages for the study of spatial learning in that within the tank the animal is quite unconstrained as to the direction it may take , though this must be balanced against the fact that the swimming task is somewhat stressful and the animal is learning how to reach a relatively precarious goal .
8 We are going through enormous changes in the education system at the moment and as Governors we have had to struggle terribly hard to learn how to govern schools as more power and more authority has been devolved to us , and we should have been spending this year erm working together on learning how to run a more successful school , and instead erm we 've had to waste a hell of a lot of time on really what was an absolute political nonsense and irrelevance , and I am glad we can turn aside from that .
9 Functional literacy ( the ability to read ) is one thing ; learning how to get the most out of your college reading is quite another .
10 He circled the chamber slowly , stopping occasionally to examine the never changing activities of the ghostly figures .
11 A basic introduction to the planning system showing how to oppose the most common types of inappropriate development .
12 A basic introduction to the planning system showing how to oppose the most common types of inappropriate development .
13 However , he draws back from incorporating this into a general theory about creativity , preferring instead to emphasise the more superficial differences between the psychotic and the creative person : that the former is overwhelmed by and the latter in control of his or her ‘ original ’ thoughts .
14 Here was this young creature , beautiful and restless , married to a man almost old enough to be her grandfather , and apparently setting out to make the very best of it , too , with no signs of regret or self-pity ; but the prospect of having a girl of her own age in the house , even for a few days , might well matter to her a great deal more than the extension and acceptance of a mere conventional politeness .
15 It prompted an immediate statement from the Foreign Office trying again to calm the increasingly hostile relations between the two countries .
16 He left for Birmingham ahead of the team for a managers meeting yesterday and with coach Jens will be working hard to get the best out of the team against Iceland and against the Czech Republic on Thursday and the USA on Friday .
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