Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [coord] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I am in the car I am competing professionally and I commit myself to the job .
2 She was walking down and I shout you bloody old troll .
3 People walking in but we need to need to clearly define the areas and if it 's that the national account department at has this list of corporate clients then maybe it makes sense that the national account manager responsible for deals with those also
4 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
5 Walking home and you work it out .
6 Well you were just talking about children erm my feeling is that we 're all children , there is no division between being a child and an adult and I think that they can accept a whole lot , but there 's a whole lot of adults that ca n't accept the shocks that are happening today and they put them into their subconscious and unfortunately it comes out in so many other ways — it comes over as a neurosis or as a mental disorder at some later date .
7 Yes it was yes , last sort of quarter of an hour they was pressing forward and you know , it always looks like you know , they 're going to nick it but , we held out .
8 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
9 You 're here to see us acting naturally and I do n't see why we should change , because then you 're not getting a true picture , are you ?
10 Funny enough , Peter and I have both been swimming together and we 've both got the same thing
11 You let everything go for weeks and weeks and obviously find just getting a meal tiring enough and you know I do n't want you to do anything that 's too much for you .
12 You know , suppose parliament starts breaking the rules and acting arbitrarily and I say the mechanism is not clear .
13 Do n't get me wrong , I really enjoy the dressing up but I feel he is out of control .
14 Now I really love dressing up and I 've given all my trainers away to my brother .
15 and like the thing is obviously like the first realise there on a and they try to stop it , why are you stopping for , remember you are in the British army , if you disobey orders you 'll get a court marshall really started laying onto them , and like they 've started again and like the first bloke obviously got to the fucking water , cos he 's stopped again , one man one sides shouting out and round the other side shouting out and they have they 've all gone in , they must of thought fuck it and they 've all just fucking marched into the sea , and we marched them in , tent was only about that much above water , and we 've lasted thought , this is the thing that got me , he , he shouted at him , cos we , we , we managed to get them and that , he said right , right , go in , go in and tell them to come out , what , I said what , can you just pop in and tell them to come out , I said over here sarge , he said you disobey an order
16 Oh I 'm sorry there are children shouting out and you know that you do n't do that .
17 I hate living here and I hate you .
18 Mrs Singh seemed to be listening intently but I guess that a lot of what was being said went over her head .
19 So if you 're wandering around and you want to write somebody a quick note , you do n't have to open the rings and take out a piece of paper , you just write on here and tear it off .
20 and they 're living there and they do n't speak Welsh
21 Milkings three times a day would necessitate living nearby and they have applied for permission to build a farmhouse and steadings .
22 The manner of integration remains to be seen in practice when the two modes of working are operating fully but there seem to be at least three possible strategies .
23 ‘ I 've been doing lots of shouting recently and we 've both been unhappy .
24 They seen a lot of shit going on but I think they were impressed with home we coped with it all , ’ enthuses PD to the eager nods of Paul .
25 You are kind of dozing but you are not asleep because you ca n't get to sleep because there is a needle sticking in your arm and you have got a drip going on and they come and change the bag and you are constantly feeling sick .
26 We are within the Constitution as it stands , nothing illegal is going on and we claim the right to be treated as democratic citizens assembling as we are free to do .
27 ‘ They must n't forget there 's a recession going on and we 've just got to be realistic about money . ’
28 I said , there 's loads of building going on and we have had money to do this and it 's jolly well time .
29 ‘ There 's a lot going on and we do n't want any crossed lines . ’
30 Damned if I could make out quite what 's going on and I 've been trying hard enough . ’
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