Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] or [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I turn to try and get out of the cage , someone is offended or upset , says I 'm defying them or humiliating them .
2 Ivory tower allergists discount reactions to food unless an IgE mechanism has been proved , but denying them or attributing them to hypochondriasis is a sign not of scientific superiority but of a head in the sand mentality .
3 The brewers have until November to free up thousands of pubs by selling them or leasing them free of the tie .
4 I was not manipulating them or elevating them artificially , so much as attempting to support talent to reach its natural level . ’
5 Fishermen of tropical seas who regularly catch sea snakes display little or no fear of them , handling them with impunity and either killing them or throwing them back in the water .
6 ( Weed Research , vol 21 , p 233 ) Scurrula cordifolia is a mistletoe that attacks valuable fruit and timber trees , killing them or making them too deformed for commercial purposes .
7 Silencing them or killing them .
8 What it gets across to the students is that they must deal with women appropriately , hugging them or holding them if it feels natural , rather than standing back and playing doctor . ’
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