Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] had [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Émile permitted himself the luxury of imagining I had come to Paris just to see him .
2 He began to reach for the handle with a gloved hand and then pulled nervously back , remembering what had happened to Frye .
3 Remembering what had happened to me the last time I entered this unhappy house , remembering too that I was an escaped jailbird , whom most of the Frankenstein menage would not hesitate to give back into custody , I decided that the wisest course was to keep the place under observation and wait until I could be sure to speak to Victor .
4 He must have been wondering what had happened to his Sunday dinner , if they had such a thing in Joy 's house .
5 ‘ I was wondering what had happened to that , ’ she said .
6 She talked about it a little , wondering what had happened to you , feeling it was better not to interfere , so I did n't tell her I 'd found you .
7 He looked pale and drawn , and Juliet could n't help wondering what had happened to Moira Charles .
8 Recalling what had happened to her , especially on the train , served to intensify that cold .
9 The bills , which included measures to restructure the country 's military leadership and reorganize the broadcasting media , had been delayed by opposition filibustering which had led to outbreaks of fighting in the Assembly as a result of which two members were hospitalized .
10 London 's top toy store Hamley 's may find they are wishing they had listened to the hype .
11 ‘ I would n't have slept , not knowing what had happened to him .
12 The torture of not knowing what had happened to Chesarynth was sharpened by the realization that maybe he already knew .
13 Knowing what had happened to Mr MacQuillan , it was horrible to open a package and find a knife .
14 Later these two disciples themselves also confirmed the authorship of Moses when recounting what had happened to them .
15 Saturday 's last day of the season open on the middle Swale proved an anticlimax as three foot of cold water chilled the Maunby to Ainderby reaches spoiling what had promised to be a chub bonanza .
16 Vicky , however ( for in that long night 's talking we had moved to Christian names ) , was not daunted .
17 Both men were also sentenced to two years ' imprisonment after admitting they had conspired to corruptly obtain a consideration from Mr Barrett .
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