Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Gradually , you will need to increase your pace to the point where you are walking briskly and you can feel your heart pumping away efficiently , but not to the point where you feel at all overwhelmed .
2 And how about yourself , you obviously were n't that happy playing at left back for Oxford United , and you 've slotted into the central defence , playing a lot happier and of course , driving forward when you can for these goals ?
3 It is essential that you go slowly until you are sure that the card is transporting properly or you will tear the end of the sleeve .
4 It 's when you move from that to communicating domestically that you may be in trouble . ’
5 Bill , Roger and Vincent you will be the respective time keepers okay I 'll give you timing in due course but remember to give a two minute warning which is the rap on the desk make sure going on and you will find out the role plays will or may run over time .
6 you get a very good sketch and you can see what 's going on and you can see the angles .
7 Yeah so just to get you so you understand about fractions , you know what 's going on and you can ask intelligent questions and your teacher 'll think , Oh she knows what she 's talking about .
8 The British experience was perceived by Michael Foot when in Opposition in the following way : ‘ I think one of the most serious threats to the power of the House of Commons is the notion which is growing up that you can have a meeting in Downing Street of the Executive and the CBI and the TUC who make an agreement that is binding and when it comes to the House of Commons the House of Commons has not the power … to tear that bargain apart ’ ( quoted in Grant 1977 , p. 169 ) .
9 Change the social or physical conditions in which the animal is growing up and you may find it ends up with a different set of rules for learning .
10 it 's no good Chery going out if you ca n't talk
11 If you 're scared of going out because you may meet someone else , I 'd say your chances look slim .
12 So , with the brave words , ‘ I 'm going there and you ca n't stop me ; I know my rights ’ , he attempted to join one of the pairs of pickets .
13 M. B. On Dock Duty , you 'd stand all night and not see a soul and the Liver Building up there with the clock gradually going round and you 'd think : ‘ I wo n't look at it , I wo n't look at it at all . ’
14 If you colour your hair because greys are growing faster than you can pull them out , you 'll be pleased to know that Poly Color has been improved .
15 And if you 're heading anywhere where you could encounter snow and ice , make sure your equipment includes ice axe and crampons , and the knowledge to use them properly .
16 Dear Ronnie How are you getting on as you can see at the top I have been put away in a prison .
17 Your idea that the King and I would lean back in indolence , allowing Famagusta to fatten and snigger , throwing away all the months of striving so that you could save your thick skin from a fight ? ’
18 You see I think if I I 'm trying to en envisage it , if you are erm you , you live in an area and er there have been some er outbreaks of violence of , you know , a nasty nature , some people have been killed , there 's been sort of erm disruption and er and so on , I do n't know how you 'd feel , I think you may feel erm a bit concerned about this , you 'd see things breaking down and you would n't see quite where it 's going to , to lead .
19 Now suspect that this is something that most people fall into on their first few training sessions which is all to be about this er er er have you got any questions and most people I was gon na say good morning , but you got a paragraph down now and it 's all about slowing down and you can speed up as you go through but it 's certainly the opening slowing down .
20 Perhaps your secretary or some other intelligent person can sit alongside you and jot down , unobtrusively , the main points made by other speakers and indicate who is speaking so that you can look at them and glance at the notes alternately .
21 No no I would n't do that I always do it like this if I was playing that hand three flu well you could go well you got a choice you can go take a chance on your last hand , not getting through or you can go two , three , five , six , seven two three four , ace finish them which is what I 'd probably do .
22 Ooh I know , but it 's staying off so you 'll realise why !
23 Sec. ) or me , stating roughly when you might be available .
24 Watch them doing so and you can have no doubt that they are enjoying themselves hugely , just as human children do in a playground .
25 Now let's be honest here put yourself in their situation , the obvious thing in the storm and th the water comes crashing over , well you do n't really want to fill the boat with water so you start bailing the water out , when you realize you 're not gon na be successful cos more is coming in than you can get out and the storm is not abating , you would naturally get agitated and if for nothing else , at least you can come and help us to bail out !
26 You may obviously you 're going to have two payments coming in but you may well find that you know they 're no longer on the same sort of day .
27 Er the water was coming in and you could n't put mats on the floor .
28 I remember cutting out when you used to have to cut all down your rolls of wallpaper .
29 If you really want to be energetic , there 's windsurfing and waterskiing here or you can stroll along the beach to where they still make wooden Turkish boats by hand .
30 ‘ You 're saying plainly that you 'll assert yourself in the most obvious way possible if I ever attempt to cross you ! ’
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