Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There could hardly be a more opportune time for attempting to salvage something for those young people who are currently gaining little if anything from the educational system .
2 I I 'm grateful I I I 'm winding up that we on this side we do believe that these additional six seats are very important because we believe that the European parliament elections are going to be very important and fighting them on these new boundaries with the minimum of delay in spite of the delay that had been caused by the government' incompetence , we regard as very important , we regard this debate tonight as very important to approve these orders because we can not so far work out whether the government will be fighting the er the whole campaign on the basis of back to basics while the E P P will be doing it on the basis of some other manifesto , vorsprung durch technik or whatever it might be , and they 'll be trying to merge those into two slogans of o of er vorsprung durch basics or or whatever it might be and this we do not know at all whether the government want to be part of Europe and whether their back benchers are gon na be willing to cooperate with the European peoples party or they take the money from the European peoples party but they do n't want to participate with them in the manifesto .
3 ‘ I love dressing up but lots of actresses do — that 's part of the attraction , ’ says Tara , who appeared in the television series The Cammomile Lawn and more recently in the award-winning film Hear My Song .
4 Were there any parts of er of the complex that were out of bounds sort of top secret work going on or anything like that ?
5 It is that to a class of fifteen-year-olds in a co-ed comprehensive school , such a statement told us something influential about the culture in which we were growing up and nothing about gerbils .
6 At least the fish were moving well and lots of them too that night .
7 I 'd been mucking around and none of my mates like that .
8 Discipline was very very strict in those days but of course with the war coming on and lots of those men going to the forces , things changed drastically during that time and discipline was somewhat more lax after the war .
9 You know with this new tax coming in and me on my own .
10 What on earth was it doing here and what on earth should she do about it ?
11 ‘ I 've been sniffing around and nothing about this city smells kosher .
12 The world of health and safety is a-changing rapidly and we in the G M B are , and should always be , at the forefront of the reviews that are , and have , taken place .
13 Do you know what it 's doing to me , standing here seeing you in that robe and wondering just how much you 've got on under it ?
14 Luxury-goods sales are falling precisely when lots of new competitors , attracted by what once looked like easy business , are jumping into the market .
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