Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 He was kind of looking down and twiddling his pen , you know … and I mean I know it sounds stupid , but I did n't mind , I think I knew anyway .
2 He stood there , shouting along and flapping his arms round like an over-excited seagull .
3 Because of his understanding of practice , he is able not only to show how police ideology is maintained , but even propose alternative models by merely writing down and presenting his knowledge .
4 In a brief campaign , Aurangzeb had seized the empire , imprisoned his father , and had begun hunting down and murdering his three brothers .
5 The young Eric was looking away and picking his nose , looking bored .
6 ‘ Well , Jim , ’ he said , looking around and lowering his voice to a whisper , ‘ I 'm rich . ’
7 I 'm here to do a job of work and if dressing conservatively and ignoring his attempts at seductive banter are what it takes to remind him of the fact , so be it . ’
8 When he reached the fighting , he charged in amongst the Dragoons , shouting loudly and urging his companions to follow him .
9 He had n't said he was going away and renting his house , which was odd because they 'd been chatting in the village not two days before he 'd disappeared and Leo taken up residence .
10 When released from prison he shows how he relied on others , by needing to be with the church after release from prison rather than going off and licking his wounds by himself .
11 Was it the blameless wonderfulness of God that forced Satan to go and live in the pit , where he could leave his things lying around and put his feet on the table ?
12 He kept walking ; there was little point in making them suspicious by turning round and retracing his steps .
13 When he can make steps in the forward direction , you may be shown how he can use the lowest stair to practise stepping downwards while taking his weight through his hemiplegic leg and then through the normal leg .
14 It was just a matter of moving carefully and keeping his eyes open .
15 ‘ I 'll come again , ’ she said , getting up and pressing his hand .
16 " Huh , " Slater said , stepping back and rolling his eyes .
17 Some time later this ‘ incorrigible rogue ’ was taken to court for running away and leaving his wife and four children who became a charge on the parish of Felmersham .
18 He had been talking about giving up and concentrating his efforts entirely on writing and directing and , like the discovery of another little nugget , was spurred on by reaction to The Trip which , in spite of a critical mauling on the grounds of promoting drug abuse , was still seen as a gifted piece of writing .
19 I saw him crying out and holding his hands over his face .
20 A sort of cross between Kurt Cobain and a Fraggle , James has already made a name for himself in the office for dancing around and waving his arms wildly while he talks , not forgetting the regular swishing back of that blond mop .
21 He had started moaning again and moving his head from side to side .
22 He pushed back a long , greasy spike of hair that kept slipping down and pricking his ear .
23 Yet emerged , staggering drunkenly and clutching his shoulder .
24 He buggered me for the first time that night , reaching round and putting his hand over my mouth , tearing me in two .
25 The sounds recorded in Grosvenor Square were of a sleeping man shifting position , rolling over and resuming his slumbers .
26 RACING tipster The Squire defied the Pope 's ban on betting yesterday and prepared his weekly column — for the Catholic church 's newspaper .
27 ‘ Hullo Miss MacPeake , ’ said wee Danny , standing up and hanging his head .
28 ‘ I wish them to stay , ’ said Gabriel grandly , standing up and spreading his arms wide in pointing at the Luciers .
29 ‘ Teeny ! ’ he shouted standing up and knocking his packet of cigarettes and lighter on the floor .
30 This is the safest position after an accident as it prevents your child 's tongue falling back and obstructing his airway and avoids the risk of choking if he vomits .
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