Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adj] it be " in BNC.

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1 Yet Chapman had his answer for the pessimists : if the game was becoming more defensive it was up to managers and players to do something about it .
2 As Scott later pointed out , he then reversed his usual argument that Gothic did not provide enough light , by explaining how difficult it was for the Speaker to control the sunlight coming through the windows of his house in the Houses of Parliament .
3 Donna shivered slightly , noticing how cold it was on the train .
4 Then tears would slide down her face into her hair as she lay crying all alone , remembering how horrible it was to be Chesarynth .
5 Your otherwise excellent cover version album was sadly marred by a long speech detailing how annoying it is that the price of eggs has gone up in Narodny-Karabakh .
6 Bernadette added : ‘ When I saw Farrah lying there safe it was like giving birth all over again .
7 On the death of Queen Mary in 1694 , a sermon was preached noting how rare it was to find courage and heroism in a woman and relating this to the modesty and selfless nature of the late queen , in abasing herself before her husband .
8 When Charlotte had finished , emphasizing how vital it was to find the document the kidnappers wanted , Natasha poured them both more tea before she made any remark .
9 For men under 20 , the job offer arrival rates are at least nine times higher than for men aged 55 and over ( at the mean wage ) , emphasising how difficult it is for older unemployed men to obtain a job .
10 But coming up first it 's open surgery with Dr Kathleen Long .
11 I was observing how difficult it was to arrange a day on the crags with a mountaineering celebrity when the weather is warm and very wet .
12 In 864 a royal assembly at Pîtres near Rouen dealt with the problem ( without indicating how widespread it was ) of migrant wage-workers in vineyards : clearly some landlords were short of labour at least at harvest-time , and to persuade such migrants to return to their original farms were willing to reassure them that they could keep their earnings .
13 The 14-day course of epoetin resulted in only a 9 g/L rise in haemoglobin , illustrating how difficult it is to ‘ override ’ the endogeneous erythropoietin control of red cell production in a non-anaemic individual .
14 We 'd been saying how awful it was , how sorry we were for Connie .
15 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
16 Kenneth Clarke appears above us , saying how sad it is about Chris Patten .
17 I can understand that , because the Bill is so complicated and is born of desperation and stridency , it is difficult to explain , especially for Conservative Members who , only a few months ago , were defending the poll tax and saying how good it was .
18 He introduced himself to all the furniture , saying how nice it was to meet a particular table , or how nice the covering was on a chair .
19 I was saying how nice it was , tell me it was too bloody hot .
20 During the summer , the Prime Minister kept saying how essential it was for him to be present at Maastricht in December in order to make decisions , but the word from Downing street now is that the Prime Minister 's greatest ambition at Maastricht is to fend off making any decisions .
21 The ‘ men ’ of the branch were belittling the game saying how simple it was , and there was no great feat in winning it .
22 If you choose a particular position , such as the doorknob on your front door , you can describe any position in your house by saying how far it is a ) behind the front door ( its x1 coordinate ) b ) to the right of the line perpendicular to the front door ( its x2 coordinate ) c ) above the doorknob .
23 Equally , when Labour politicians talk down the economy , saying how bad it is , that has an effect on the foreigner .
24 oh and we were jus well we just sort of cha , I was just talking about the weather , she was saying how cold it was .
25 It will be chaired by Steve Pinhay , the producer of ITV 's Saturday Night At The Movies , a programme which keeps on sending me press releases saying how wonderful it is but , when I actually watch it , seems to ignore the independent cinema entirely , particularly the variety that actually dares to speak in a foreign tongue .
26 But if it were an ancient castle standing there against the skyline , if what we looked out at tomorrow morning was a row of turrets , we 'd probably be saying how magnificent it is . ’
27 Instead of saying how difficult it was putting bits and pieces in .
28 So we might say , Well our overall confidence is two but our relative confidence which is saying how different it is from everything else is only one .
29 And erm th they went to an auction and she was saying how interesting it was .
30 From the first day they completely opted out , wandering around saying how beautiful it was while we dug the vegetable garden .
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