Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 But he feared a jaunt to Expo 92 in Seville would send the wrong message to the markets — and did not want the humiliation of returning early to deal with a sterling crisis .
2 This contrasts the earlier description of shape as becoming more defined with the onset of Aids .
3 The bag just did n't go with silk : it was too big and bulky , no doubt stuffed full with notepads and pencils , Mitch observed , his photographer 's eye altering her and becoming more exasperated with the hat every second .
4 Ore was also carted down from a hopper at Top Level , the track crossing the beck directly below the waterfall then winding around to connect with the Levers Water — Paddy End track .
5 During the last stage of his visit Dole was unusually critical of Israeli policies and told journalists that US politicians and the public were becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress in the peace process .
6 Brock are two others whose names are becoming increasingly linked with the authors they have illustrated so admirably , and their work will make a sound investment .
7 girls are presented with a dilemma between maintaining their feminine identities or becoming closely identified with the study of physics .
8 They included an ugly marble penstand presented by the retiring Prime Minister which George never used but displayed as proud evidence of the biggest mistake a civil servant can achieve : becoming too identified with a political figure .
9 The only comprehensive attempt to measure venereal infection , which plainly had a strong connection with some kinds of extra-marital sex , revealed little except that in Prussia , not unexpectedly , it was much higher in the megalopolis Berlin than in any other province ( tending normally to diminish with the size of cities and villages ) , and that it reached its maximum in towns with ports , garrisons and institutes of higher education , i.e. with heavy concentrations of unmarried young men away from their homes .
10 Refusing even to mix with the amateur plebs in the Olympic Village , the Dream Team 's Charles Barkley explained : ‘ Custer did n't eat with the Indians . ’
11 Nor , presumably , would you go swimming fully dressed with a small weekend bag slung over your shoulder . ’
12 Michael Walsh avoided some of these problems by deciding not to work with a ‘ friendly critic ’ .
13 Wolfgang , meanwhile , was having rather a good time in Vienna on his own , staying sometimes with his friends Leutgeb the horn-player and the Puchbergs , who kept him fed , and going out drinking with an old friend , Emmanuel Schikaneder , an actor , singer , writer and producer and the manager of the Theater auf der Wieden in the suburbs .
14 The SRC is to seek legal advice before deciding how to proceed with an election .
15 Meanwhile , like the rest of Europe 's professional golfers , he is pondering how to contend with the examination that Ballesteros , the architect , has set his contemporaries .
16 But where the older woman 's eyes lay in elongated hollows , the younger one 's were round , lying almost flush with the unlined skin .
17 As I said earlier I 'm getting really pissed with the tight fisted attitued of the board — Shef Utd are becomming more attractive by the minute at least they 've no pretensions of having dosh .
18 Heart-beat slowing , the blood oozing from three holes in his body , spreading out to mingle with the drying milk , the gleaming shards of glass .
19 It 's always a good laugh watching him getting increasingly irritated with the interviewer after a humiliating defeat .
20 An outside agency , experts on tele sales , spent four days teaching how to deal with every conceivable request that a customer could make .
21 In the report Dr Forwell pointed out that half the population of Greater Glasgow lived in extremely disadvantaged conditions , with the health of adult men deteriorating markedly compared with the rest of Scotland .
22 Charles and Alex drank a lot , but Charles did n't feel the relaxation he normally experienced when getting quietly pissed with a fellow actor .
23 Mr. Howell submitted that Parliament having expressly dealt with the case of an admissions policy designed to preserve the character of the school in subsections ( 3 ) ( b ) and ( 6 ) , it was not open to the school ( even though over-subscribed ) to apply such a policy under section 6(3) ( a ) in selecting the applicants who were to be rejected .
24 If we 're looking at the question of services coming together to deal with the emergency erm obviously I suppose the army and that will come in on a voluntary basis which but it might be necessary to see where someone could be authority to coordinate the services and bring it whatever is required .
25 While the responsibility for doing so remains with the project leader , the accountant should be accepted as a part time member of the project team and encouraged to contribute ideas .
26 While the responsibility for doing so remains with the project leader , the accountant should be accepted as a part time member of the project team and encouraged to contribute ideas .
27 The Regent desired him , as proposer of the scheme , and as having already served with the Earl of Dunbar , to accompany Sir Simon Fraser down to the Earl 's camp near Berwick , there to help that man inform Dunbar of the decisions made and to assist in convincing him to take over the keepership of Berwick Castle .
28 In the fourth of these lectures Freud , having already dealt with the importance of infant sexuality in relation to the body , turns to the emotional relationship between those who care for the baby and the child himself .
29 Rumour has it that The High had all been living separate musical lives — Andy in particular having just split with the Stone Roses — when they met in Manchester 's Hacienda club , and decided to put a new band together …
30 When he came back , his face was so strained with worry that I felt the sting of another guilt , and I smiled properly ( having just finished with a not-too-terrible pain ) and put out my hand to him to show him I was better .
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