Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] down and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Only after ‘ tedious battering the top thereof with pick-axes ’ did they eventually undermine two of its six sides bringing them down and leaving the tower in the state in which it is today .
2 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
3 While the Romans were dusting themselves down and rearranging their feathers and mini-skirts , the lurking Brits emerged from the woods and advanced in a rabble brandishing their rolling pins .
4 He saw that two men were now holding me , pushing me down and punching me and he recognized the man who was walking up the stairs .
5 Hunting him down and destroying him forever can become a full-scale adventure in itself .
6 Er and then we 'd used to repeat right the way through the day , we had a bus say for sixteen hours and it erm repeated itself every hour and that was boring job just writing it down and repeating it .
7 The goal is made concrete by writing it down and making a commitment to it .
8 The herbicide Agent Orange and all that it represents , from carpet bombing of rainforests to bulldozing them down and removing their topsoil , managed to demolish a fifth of Vietnam 's tree cover and to replace it , in great stretches , with a moonscape of bomb craters .
9 We discovered that by making permanent changes to their usual diets individuals felt that their general health improved dramatically ; they felt far better mentally , and they managed to lose those ugly pounds of flesh that had been slowing them down and stubbing their ego .
10 Sonja was as usual being difficult and her mother was trying to strike an impossible balance between calming her down and getting her to do as she was told .
11 Koalas , sloths and leaf-eating monkeys are already up there , with a never-ending supply of food at their disposal , but again with the problem of breaking it down and digesting it .
12 Assuming that no mature way can be found to speak from the workers ' culture or meaning system , as opposed to breaking it down and imposing on it other meaning systems such as that espoused by management , then passive individuals will be fostered .
13 It is not cutting the forest , going away , leaving it and letting the trees look after themselves , and the rest of the forest regrow , without actually going in and cutting it down and burning it .
14 So , the really destructive thing is cutting it down and burning it and turning it over either to shifting agricultural , or permanent agriculture , ranching or something else .
15 I had not before realised that my canoe had been following me but I soon felt it as the point hit my back and then went down underneath me , dragging me down and sandwiching me between the canoe and the tree .
16 Owners of domestic dogs do not normally expect their pets to be out hunting prey , bringing it down and killing it , in the same fashion as their wild cousins — the wolf on the Arctic Tundra or the Cape hunting dog of the African Serengeti .
17 At giving the baby his last feed at ten and putting him down and hoping that he 'd stay asleep till well half past five to six the next morning .
18 The cabinet slammed full against the shape , pinning it down and jamming sideways at the bottom of the stairwell .
19 She cried out and , seeing how white she was , he pushed her on to the settee , following her down and crowding her against the arm .
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