Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 In response to the CNAA 's complaint the DES agreed to circularize colleges warning them that they had to be prepared to satisfy CNAA requirements , and indicating that the DES would not be prepared to entertain new courses in excess of likely demand .
2 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
3 Only when they actually got to know each other had he discovered that it was the idea of loving her that he had fallen for and not the girl herself .
4 They were just little signs warning her that she had failed to keep Fenna the perfect secret that he had to be .
5 ‘ After your arrival I received another anonymous letter , informing me that you had been planted by my enemies .
6 A shod note accompanied the card , informing me that it had been found on Oberleutnant Bauer 's body .
7 The Treasury approved Manners ' proposal on 24th November , and five days later the Office of Works wrote to Scott , informing him that he had been appointed architect to the new Foreign Office .
8 The UNHCR agreed to initiate a scheme of intensive counselling of " economic migrants " aimed at persuading them that they had no option but to return home .
9 So these wee things I I knew and er my staff soon found you see that well they just had to go along and do the job as it should be done , you see , and they were no good at kidding me that it had been done , for I used to examine everything that was done you see .
10 I had some difficulty in persuading him that I had not even seen , let alone read , the book , either in manuscript or in print .
11 ‘ Christ was a Pisces , ’ she said , assuring us that she had read several books on the subject explaining the importance of the fish in Christian religion .
12 And the man was very pleasant , reminding him that they had met at Adam 's wedding .
13 I quickly talked him out of that , telling him that he must find out the truth before passing judgment , and reminding him that he had had a good marriage .
14 I hoped he was reminding her that she had his bucket on her back and he did n't want it covering with dents .
15 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
16 And before meeting him , I wandered about the Left Bank reminding myself that I had been prescribed the city of love to feast my senses .
17 When I was a kid , in Hull , my father and mother took me to Hessle to have tea with his boss , and I remember Mother telling me that she had stayed up half the night making me a new sailor suit and saying , ‘ Behave yourself , Bill .
18 But if I were a teenager and I saw a TV star telling me that he had taken coke , I would reckon that there must be a reason why the famous spend a fortune on this drug .
19 He asked me if I could arrange for somebody thoroughly trustworthy to visit the premises , telling me that he had given the key to a neighbour .
20 Nancy was telling me that he had loads of
21 I can remember my grandfather , in the 1940s , telling me that I had a good bump of location .
22 He started knocking me about and telling me that I had to bring in this or that amount of money .
23 NICHOLAS KEPT TELLING himself that he had never before done this — as if he were somehow engaged in research and thereby exonerated .
24 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
25 For a long time she lay awake , staring into the darkness and telling herself that she had been absolutely crazy to let this happen .
26 I had to stop myself telling her that I had another party to go to on Christmas evening — just so I could stay home after everyone had left and stuff my face with leftovers .
27 Nell sat opposite Sheridan Lorrimore who seemed to be telling her that he had wrapped his Lamborgini round a tree recently and had ordered a new one .
28 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
29 When the letter arrived telling her that she had been accepted to read History of Art , she shouted ‘ Hooray ! ’ and flung her arms around her brother , then burst into uncontrollable tears of relief .
30 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
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