Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But opposing them were associates of a group calling itself ‘ Fight for Freedom ’ , who felt that it would be necessary to deal harshly with Germany at the end of the war .
2 The Council claims that B & Q broke the law by opening it 's shop in Gloucester on Sunday 17th December 1989 .
3 She banged into something solid which she immediately grabbed hold of , imagining it was part of a house .
4 Of course the bigger clients are getting the message and do keep in touch but with the rest it 's proving hard work teasing out the issues and reassuring there 's value in it for them .
5 Yeah it 's on a weekend when everybody comes out here to buy their trees and they 're parking they 're cars on the roundabout
6 I think his success in getting them was part of the reason I did not get them . ’
7 SIR Leon Brittan , the senior British EC Commissioner , yesterday said that the European Community should welcome East Germany into the EC providing it was part of West Germany .
8 ESSAY 7 — ; Did Tsarism show any real signs of re-establishing it 's grip on Russia in the period after 1905 .
9 Now after 23 years at Upper Heyford airbase in Oxfordshire it 's being disbanded sending it 's airmen to new jobs in America , and it 's aircraft to become museum pieces .
10 I think that teachers need to know people that they can turn to for further advice , but that they could familiarize themselves much more with what , as it were , they can do in the first instance by screening children , by using there are number of published materials , learning inventories , that can be used to discover whether a child has some difficulties that might point in this direction of dyslexia .
11 Proving there 's substance behind the Manchester hype with their debut single
12 Their presence in 1991 is a significant factor in proving there is life after 4AD , Creation , and armchair indie trends .
13 I do n't know why I think maybe the , the tablets helped , but erm I was saying I was kind of having second thoughts whether I was wanting to go on the H R T or
14 Secondly members of the jury , please do n't do what the press are always doing which is act on the basis of hyper .
15 Carey may be contested , as the Times , the Institute of Directors , Nicholas Fairbairn MP et al have been quick to attempt , but there is surely nothing curious in the head of a Christian church saying there are matters of greater moral significance than making money — unless by curious is meant the fact that Carey is head of a Christian church that also happens to be the established church of the realm .
16 and I just do n't want to move out of being a student because I find that , that more and more problems are , you know I 'm coming up with because , like Melanie saying there is problems with child care , there is erm positive discrimination against women , and we are always discriminated on the sexual harassment in the college is unbelievable and we have to campaign against this and that 's what 's gon na keep me being a student .
17 There were these two men there , talking , and one was saying there was trouble at Serenity , some problem about a ship trying to come down without an Eladeldi registration .
18 Little point in saying he was godfather to one of them .
19 ‘ Everywhere I go I meet people from the town saying it 's time for a change . ’
20 I mean it 's about sort of you know in it 's about increasing the erm where we are within our own particular sphere and it 's far too much I mean people it 's interesting that I mean for the , it seems to me an and once again correction but it seems to me the last five years the empowerment thing was really strong and now managers are moving away from it and saying it 's jargon as a means of diluting it .
21 Amanda had been all enthusiastic even in the rain , saying it was spray in her face and look at the gulls , which were swooping down on the shoal of crisp packets and orange peel trailing in the wake .
22 The applications given in texts are not there as evidence , but because learning them is part of learning the paradigm at the base of current practice .
23 Assuming you are part of the majority I will explain below how to learn what the jugglers call ‘ the cascade ’ , which is the most basic movement .
24 Assuming there is room for improvement , that your life is not yet ‘ heaven on earth ’ , make a second list of seven words in which you transform any words which feel negative , or mildly positive , into what you really want .
25 ‘ Next you 'll be hearing he was bit by a cockroach .
26 Once it must have been a familiar sight in Cheltenham ; now the horse drawn carriage looks a little out of place among the busy traffic , snaking it 's way around the towns one-way system .
27 But er it 's taking it 's , taking it 's toll on him .
28 Old ‘ n ’ new mix just right Del Amitri : Middlesbrough Town Hall IT 'S been a while since Del Amitri toured and with current single Always The Last To Know nudging it 's way up the charts , I was pleased to see that the band have n't lost either their raw edge or their well developed sense of humour .
29 ‘ The reason that they 're sparse is because when I 'm singing it 's kind of hard to be very rhythmic , so it 's the voice first and the guitar parts fitting around that , with the whole thing being locked together by a pretty solid and very basic groove . ’
30 Torrential rain turned the main street through Peterchurch into a fast flowing river — cutting the village off and catching it 's residents by surprise .
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