Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 pointed out ) an effective police force requires a margin of reserve strength in order to deal with emergencies , and to employ that margin of reserve , when not otherwise required , on special police service for payment is to the advantage both of the persons utilising their services and of the public who are thereby relieved from some part of the police charges .
2 This controversy , usefully outlined in the Report of the Committee on One-Parent Families ( Finer , 1974 , Vol. 2 , pp. 136–47 ) crystal-lises the state 's dilemma of how to deal with women who , by ‘ failing ’ to play the part expected of them ( i.e. by ending their marriages or by having a child without ever having been married ) find themselves without the support of a man .
3 She was aware of the colour touching her cheeks and in confusion she tore her gaze from his , picked up her glass , took a mouthful of orange juice and stared with furious intent into the depths of her glass .
4 Households and private firms can only increase their spending by using their savings or by borrowing — they are not in the position of being able to raise taxes or to print money for themselves .
5 It would be important to promote a culture in which the discovery of mistakes is regarded by officers not as a method of policing their colleagues but as a means of improving the service and therefore as a source of professional pride .
6 She scooped up Victoria , ignoring her protests but for a quick kiss , and dropped her into her cot , gesturing Melanie to lie down .
7 country in Europe so they think they 're going to be testing their weapons and for the
8 John Harlow , appointed in 1560 , was himself the local vicar and his candidature was approved by the parishioners ; when the Goldsmiths examined him , they declared themselves satisfied without noting his qualifications and without recourse to external referees .
9 So far , we have looked at ways of getting started , at researching your ideas and at how an argument is structured .
10 Monday night , straight from work , and I 'm in Ullapool , still wearing my cords but with a half-decent haircut .
11 If the birth of her child was to take place in London as had been arranged , then presumably for some weeks beforehand she would have to remain in the Harley Street flat , kicking her heels or at least suffering the kicks inside her , which she had greatly come to resent .
12 George I had tried , but failed , to end the pernicious practice of the purchase of commissions , which encouraged officers to recoup what they had spent by making what profit they could on clothing and feeding their men or through claiming the pay for ghost-like soldiers who existed only on the nominal rolls .
13 In that it has some support from the International Monetary Fund , whose managing director has urged the G7 to come up with at least $5 billion or $6 billion in special funding for Russia this year for such projects , as well as for Russian companies restructuring their operations and for further reform in such key areas as energy .
14 Some were impatient of disarmament talks which never resulted in the abandoning of a single weapon ; some were appalled by Civil Defence pamphlets which advocated spending your last four minutes on earth whitewashing your windows and by planners who talked blithely in terms of ‘ megadeaths ’ ; some were convinced that Armageddon would be next week : the immensely influential film of On the Beach showed the last survivors , in Melbourne , waiting for death in 1963 .
15 She is still in my mind and so I can be totally accurate in recording my responses and in describing what took place .
16 In suppressing their dilemmas and in failing to challenge the orthodoxies they help neither themselves nor the children they teach .
17 Scott knew that Annabel was now facing the worst moment any model can face : she was officially over the hill , gaining weight , losing her looks and on the downward path to wrinkles and sag .
18 Tomorrow the other half of the P Way section will be having their teach-ins and on Monday the intention is that quality system procedures , quality plans etcetera , will be introduced within the P Way office .
19 Equally , PEP managers , mindful that the bulk of their business is carried out with basic rate taxpayers , may either look to cutting their charges or to innovating .
20 eventually I went up and I tried to get him to go down to sleep again , and he was shutting his eyes and on his dummy , but he was
21 For quickness , there 's nothing to beat shaving your legs and under arms , but as you slice off the hair at skin level , you soon get prickly regrowth .
22 The years of battles and punishment that have not worked help them realize that keeping calm , ignoring slight misbehaviour , and rewarding appropriate behaviour are more effective ways of controlling their children and of having a more pleasant life .
23 Their ability to do this is highly dependent on specific regulations affecting their markets and on the attitude of government to their uncompetitive practices .
24 Or , finally , consult the country on the terms which would serve as a basis for determining its wishes and to which its representatives would have to conform .
25 The men walk dragging their feet and with slouched shoulders .
26 He posed the question whether the disadvantage of a judge speaking on matters which in one form or another — such as unfair dismissal from employment or from a trade union — might well come before him when he was on the bench was outweighed by the advantage of hearing his views or by the argument that he should not be prevented , by convention or otherwise , from speaking in Parliament on such a matter .
27 Testimony to his punching power was that Rowe was left clutching his ribs and in obvious pain .
28 During the Second World War the capitalist allies worked together with Communist Russia without either side altering its views and without much real communication .
29 This booklet has been prepared to give general information about adapting your homes and about other options that may help you establish and maintain independence .
30 The intuitions about animals send ‘ mixed messages ’ but are unfortunately just starting points : ‘ So we must turn to theoretical accounts in the hope of finding some stable conceptual framework for tethering our intuitions or for cultivating new ones ’ ( 1981 : 6 ) .
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