Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Whit 's out , he 's phoning me when he gets back .
2 Books were obviously supernumerary , and he began jettisoning them until he got down to those two which every guest on ‘ Desert Island Discs ’ is furnished with as a bare , civilised minimum : the Bible and Shakespeare .
3 In Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 the defendant , employed by the plaintiff as the manager of his business , surreptitiously copied from the plaintiff 's order book a list of names and addresses of customers with the intention of soliciting them after he had left employment and had set up a similar business on his own .
4 Rereading one before he put it in the envelope , it seemed to him to be ill-organized , to have no coherent theme .
5 In her motherly concerned way , she was cosseting him as he tried to pick up the pieces of his life .
6 He pulled sharply on the material , tearing it as he did so .
7 There was little point in denying anything and he stared hard at her , his lips in one straight , angry line .
8 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
9 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
10 So of course he had to keep smoking them until he 'd finished
11 He too is a man who goes out of his way to twist people 's tails in the hope of provoking them when he thinks their inactivity is impermissible .
12 I thought he was conning me when he told me his plan .
13 One of them would not mind sacrificing himself if he thought that the other is of more use to humanity , but sees no evidence of it .
14 I can see him now , and you three children comforting him because he had left his family in England !
15 Only when they actually got to know each other had he discovered that it was the idea of loving her that he had fallen for and not the girl herself .
16 But after three such encounters he said he realized this was because after eight years she had stopped loving him and he made his famous remark about adultery .
17 Roman did n't take kindly to any woman 's refusal , and he no doubt thought he was doing her an honour in wanting her when he thought she had belonged to Garry .
18 ‘ He 's such a jerk , ’ she remarked , remembering him as he left the breakfast table clad in the dark , light-weight suit which hung uneasily between an older idea of what was appropriate to the businessman and the current notion that , since it was no longer altogether cool to be a businessman , the person in the fast lane to wealth should appear relaxed and unconstrained .
19 When Wendell had been interviewed , he had refused to say how many dollars the shindig was costing him but he admitted it was a lot .
20 His mother and grandfather were eyeing him as he emerged from the bed and felt the nag of their expectation that he would go off at once to earn a day 's wage at Aberfeldy .
21 For a second or two his eyes seemed to be searching her as he glanced at her dark , tightly fixed hair , her face , her shoulders and her long neck .
22 Police have been hunting him since he raped a girl of 11 at Warminster , Wilts , three weeks ago .
23 Jean-Paul thinks the French brought prosperity to a poor country , and he goes on believing it because he takes care never to set foot outside the European quarter .
24 A third party coming into possession of confidential information is accordingly liable to be restrained from publishing it if he knows the information to be confidential and the circumstances are such as to impose on him an obligation in good conscience not to publish .
25 But the terms were not equal , for his assailant bled from the head , under his conical helm and gorget of chain mail , and from some wounds under his plate-armour , also , for there were red seams in his body-harness , and he leaned to his right side , favouring it as he fought .
26 He broke two of my teeth extracting them but he says they 're out clean , when I told him to take another X-ray of it .
27 The Treasury approved Manners ' proposal on 24th November , and five days later the Office of Works wrote to Scott , informing him that he had been appointed architect to the new Foreign Office .
28 I says , well , I says , I was reading a book and an old wifey that lived up at and she was about ninety six , and this chap that was interviewing her , well he would n't be interviewing her but he said she sat by the fire and she hostied and clochered until she nearly spewed .
29 We had with us a Danakil from the Awash Station , not only as guide but also as hostage , and would not be releasing him until he found a replacement from the next tribe .
30 He unslung the gun case from across his chest , unzipping it as he gave Mariana a grin .
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