Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment , there should , however , be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate .
2 As we shall see later in the chapter , however , there is a potential conflict between using interest rates to control the demand for money and using them also to control the exchange rate .
3 As had happened previously , the fines were paid anonymously but the magistrates had made it impossible for an outsider to defuse the situation on this occasion by also binding them over to keep the peace .
4 Compared with Mitroff 's earlier paper , there is much more emphasis here on linking stakeholder analysis with research into cognitive schemas , and a greater recognition that there may be problems both in identifying the schemas , often held unconsciously , and in bringing them together to inform the corporate debate about strategy .
5 AFTER the recent reports of carjacking I now lock the doors if I am travelling alone or with just my children , but this makes me uneasy because of the risk of being trapped after an accident .
6 In waves they attacked , driving them back to stop the raising of the Stones which eagles had seen in other places .
7 And if want to check quickly in a car and I 'm driving I automatically put the hand
8 He got to his fret and dusting himself down saw a large hole in the door behind him .
9 Indeed in the Future of the Profession Report of 1970 , the text preceding a recommendation that the Institution have a structure of three chapters , stated , inter alia , that ‘ there is an historical nexus between land agency , general practice and building surveying which still validates the view that they are different applications of the same basic skills . ’
10 He spent weeks nerving himself up to get a big whale picture , or maybe a dolphin .
11 Everyone admires her for working so hard , for thrashing herself relentlessly to entertain the troops and keep the fans happy .
12 Radio assault : A team from South Cleveland Hospital Radio are gearing themselves up to tackle a tough army assault course .
13 Honda immediately withdrew the two affected models — the HR-EL 171 and 172 and has contacted all its 4,500 owners warning them not to use the machine until a solution is found .
14 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
15 The wording of section 12(1) ( b ) is , however , slightly unfortunate in requiring the intimidation of others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
16 The grounds upon which the powers to impose conditions may be exercised are very similar to those which are available in relation to processions ; section 14 provides that if the senior police officer believes that a public assembly may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or that the purposes of the persons organising it is to intimidate others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do , he may impose conditions as to the place of the assembly , its maximum duration or the maximum number of persons who may constitute it as may appear to him necessary to prevent the disorder , damage , disruption or intimidation .
17 Many , many of our students are coming back from teaching practice reporting that teachers are urging them not to enter the profession ’ .
18 What I wish to indicate here is that a new emphasis on a text 's negotiation with history does not allow us to reduce literary texts to the status of documents , writing which only exemplifies the preoccupations of certain periods past and present .
19 He would lie , exhausted among the twisted sheets , his head buried under the pillow , urging her silently to switch the damn thing off .
20 But by all means if you 've got something bring it along and that would give us a starter for five I 'm keen to see us also trying to once we 've got this going going down the S P Q road ah had lunch with the other day at I mean it was I mean she was n't meeting him necessarily wearing a B A I E hat of not um and I think she I think she touched on that though while while while they were lunching. erm I put down progress because I was thinking of the Pilgrims Progress at the time
21 He is usually depicted with a bunch of keys — hence our word ‘ janitor ’ — and extremists of his cult called him Janus Quadrifrons ( Four Heads ) believing he also controlled the four seasons .
22 Each film contains 16 shots , and developing it automatically reloads the camera .
23 They do n't mind helping you out getting the diverts in the right position , because the last thing they want is to put the calls through to the wrong person .
24 She smacked her hand down on to the saucer without realising she still held the cup .
25 But after turning them over to reveal the palms , he declared : ‘ But the palms are so beautiful , the lines so clear and simple , the shape so pure . ’
26 ‘ Watch him , watch him , ’ the Youngest Son would say , pulling me around to see a TV video of a lute player , or a religious song celebration with long lines of men chanting Islamic verses in a sort of mouth music with hand-clapping accompaniment .
27 ‘ You wo n't remember , but all the time I was racing I also ran a construction business . ’
28 I think that he was pulling himself down to touch the pit of his character .
29 They were eminently suited to the work and knew their ship and its equipment well enough to keep things going which also suited the administration at Headquarters .
30 You 're not just paying somebody else to have a Cos if you 're moving if you ca n't sell it you can always rent it again .
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